Click on File - > Open
Click on Database Click on “Open”
Select Station or SIG Click on “Open”
Select Year Range Using Up and Down Arrows For the end year use the previous year. This ensures if new max or min indices are being set in the current year they will be highlighted. Available Years in Database for Station or SIG Check “Enable Auxiliary Year Overlays” box
Select Month and Date range using the drop down and up and down arrows
Select Analysis Period Length by using the drop down box. A smaller period (1 or 2 day) will show greater short term variability on the graphs. A larger period (3+) will smooth out how the data is displayed and show overall trends better.
Click on “Fire Associations”
Click on Forest, Park, Refuge, etc. Click on Agency Region Click on, District(s) if available.
Click on “View Fires”
You can Sort Fires by date, size cause, etc. by right clicking on column and clicking “Ascending” or “Descending” Close window when you are done viewing fires.
Click on the “Climatology Reports “ Hot Key
Click on the variables which you wish display in FF+ Graphs under “Stats Graph” Selections are displayed in “Selected Outputs” at bottom Use scroll bar to view additional variables
Click on “Run” to produce FF+ Graphs
Click on graph which you would like to edit or save. The desired graph will display on top.
Click “Overlays” hotkey to edit the year(s) and overlay display options.
Click on year, line width and style and then click dropdown which will appear to edit. Click on color to edit color. Click on “New” to add a year to graph, “Delete” to remove the last year in list. Click on “Apply” to view changes. Click “Ok” to close Overlay options.
Click on “Graph Options” hotkey to edit things such as max and min line options, etc. Changing Min 1000 hour fuel moisture line to red to indicate the driest fuel moisture levels in the selected date span is one option to consider.
Click on “Line at Average” tab to edit things such as max and min line options, etc. Click on “Color” to change blue min line to red. This will display the lowest fuel moisture in the selected date range. Choose line width by toggling up or down arrows.
Click/highlight color of choice. Click “OK” to confirm color choice for line display.
Click on or off lines to display. Not displaying the Max line on a fuel moisture is one choice to consider.
Click on “Apply” to change only the graph highlighted. Click on “Apply to All” to change all of the graphs which you currently have run.
Click on “Close” to close Graph Display Options window.
Click on “File>Save>Graph” to save highlighted Statistics Graph as an image (Stats Graph displayed on the left). Highlighted graph displayed or top graph of open tiled graphs.
Select Image dimensions by using up or down arrows or leave 640x480 as default. Click on “Save”
Select location on computer to save image.
Select Image type you wish to save image as in the drop down menu.
Type in Name you wish to save image as or overwrite previous image. The click “Save”.