Multimedia DBs. Multimedia dbs A multimedia database stores text, strings and images Similarity queries (content based retrieval) Given an image find.


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Presentation transcript:

Multimedia DBs

Multimedia dbs A multimedia database stores text, strings and images Similarity queries (content based retrieval) Given an image find the images in the database that are similar (or you can “describe” the query image) Extract features, index in feature space, answer similarity queries using GEMINI Again, average values help!

Image Features Features extracted from an image are based on: Color distribution Shapes and structure …..

Images - color what is an image? A: 2-d RGB array

Images - color Color histograms, and distance function

Images - color Mathematically, the distance function between a vector x and a query q is: D(x, q) = (x-q) T A (x-q) =  a ij (x i -q i ) (x j -q j ) A=I ?

Images - color Problem: ‘cross-talk’: Features are not orthogonal -> SAMs will not work properly Q: what to do? A: feature-extraction question

Images - color possible answers: avg red, avg green, avg blue it turns out that this lower-bounds the histogram distance -> no cross-talk SAMs are applicable

Images - color performance: time selectivity w/ avg RGB seq scan

Images - shapes distance function: Euclidean, on the area, perimeter, and 20 ‘moments’ (Q: how to normalize them?

Images - shapes distance function: Euclidean, on the area, perimeter, and 20 ‘moments’ (Q: how to normalize them? A: divide by standard deviation)

Images - shapes distance function: Euclidean, on the area, perimeter, and 20 ‘moments’ (Q: other ‘features’ / distance functions?

Images - shapes distance function: Euclidean, on the area, perimeter, and 20 ‘moments’ (Q: other ‘features’ / distance functions? A1: turning angle A2: dilations/erosions A3:... )

Images - shapes distance function: Euclidean, on the area, perimeter, and 20 ‘moments’ Q: how to do dim. reduction?

Images - shapes distance function: Euclidean, on the area, perimeter, and 20 ‘moments’ Q: how to do dim. reduction? A: Karhunen-Loeve (= centered PCA/SVD)

Images - shapes Performance: ~10x faster # of features kept log(# of I/Os) all kept

Dimensionality Reduction Many problems (like time-series and image similarity) can be expressed as proximity problems in a high dimensional space Given a query point we try to find the points that are close… But in high-dimensional spaces things are different!

Effects of High-dimensionality Assume a uniformly distributed set of points in high dimensions [0,1] d Let’s have a query with length 0.1 in each dimension  query selectivity in 100-d If we want constant selectivity (0.1) the length of the side must be ~1!

Effects of High-dimensionality Surface is everything! Probability that a point is closer than 0.1 to a (d-1) dimensional surface D= D = 10 ~1 D=100 ~1

Effects of High-dimensionality Number of grid cells and surfaces Number of k-dimensional surfaces in a d- dimensional hypercube Binary partitioning  2 d cells Indexing in high-dimensions is extremely difficult “curse of dimensionality”

Dimensionality Reduction The main idea: reduce the dimensionality of the space. Project the d-dimensional points in a k-dimensional space so that: k << d distances are preserved as well as possible Solve the problem in low dimensions (the GEMINI idea of course…)

DR requirements The ideal mapping should: 1. Be fast to compute: O(N) or O(N logN) but not O(N 2 ) 2. Preserve distances leading to small discrepancies 3. Provide a fast algorithm to map a new query (why?)

MDS (multidimensional scaling) Input: a set of N items, the pair-wise (dis) similarities and the dimensionality k Optimization criterion: stress = (  ij (D(S i,S j ) - D(S ki, S kj ) ) 2 /  ij D(S i,S j ) 2 ) 1/2 where D(S i,S j ) be the distance between time series S i, S j, and D(S ki, S kj ) be the Euclidean distance of the k- dim representations Steepest descent algorithm: start with an assignment (time series to k-dim point) minimize stress by moving points

MDS Disadvantages: Running time is O(N 2 ), because of slow convergence Also it requires O(N) time to insert a new point, not practical for queries

FastMap [ Faloutsos and Lin, 1995 ] Maps objects to k-dimensional points so that distances are preserved well It is an approximation of Multidimensional Scaling Works even when only distances are known Is efficient, and allows efficient query transformation

FastMap Find two objects that are far away Project all points on the line the two objects define, to get the first coordinate

FastMap - next iteration

Results Documents /cosine similarity -> Euclidean distance (how?)