CSCU 2008 CAMEO ENTRY Augusta Metro FCU VISA Balance Transfer Promo
Overview of Goals: To increase our VISA accounts and activity To increase our credit lines & outstandings To increase total volume To increase total revenue from VISA
Augusta Metro FCU VISA Balance Transfer Promo Objectives (How to do it): Do a review of portfolio and offer credit line increases Offer a limited time offer of 5.9% on balance transfers Keep Top of Mind Awareness by using various marketing avenues (retail, website, statement stuffers, newsletter, and branch staff referrals)
Augusta Metro FCU VISA Balance Transfer Promo Total Budget for Marketing Efforts: Statement Inserts $1200 Retail Posters and Images $500 Creation of electronic media (web graphics, info) $300 Total Marketing Expense $2,000
Augusta Metro FCU VISA Balance Transfer Promo Sample Marketing Collateral: Posters and Statement Inserts 22” x 28” posters used in branches 8 ½” x 11” posters also used Statement Inserts sent in Quarterly statements to all members Stuffers are also available in all branches with VISA applications stapled to them.
Augusta Metro FCU VISA Balance Transfer Promo Sample Marketing Collateral: Web banner This banner appeared on our home page of our website and on header of bill pay website. Banner was also used on e- Newsletter sent to members each month. Banner would link to our website and image of poster would appear.
Results: CSCU Data Sept Augusta Metro FCU VISA Balance Transfer Promo Accounts and Activity This YearLast YearVariance Variance % Total Accounts YTD Avg.1,1591, % Membership YTD Avg.11,81511, % Penetration % YTD Avg.9.81%8.93%0.88%9.87% Accounts Billed YTD Avg % Accounts Billed % YTD Avg.71.91%71.05%0.87%1.22% Accts. w/ Finance Chg. YTD Avg % Accts. w/ Finance Chg. % YTD Avg %75.85%2.9%3.82% Total Cards YTD Avg.1,5231, % Cards per Account YTD Avg %
Results: CSCU Data Sept Augusta Metro FCU VISA Balance Transfer Promo Credit Lines & Outstandings This YearLast YearVariance Variance % Total Outstandings $$2,372,254$1,635,114$737, % Total Credit Lines $$6,253,492$4,476,186$1,777, % % of Credit Line Used51.82%50.61%1.2%2.38% Avg. Credit Line$5,203$4,179$1, % Avg. Outstanding Balance$2,711$2,140$ %
Results: CSCU Data Sept Augusta Metro FCU VISA Balance Transfer Promo Total Volume This YearLast YearVariance Variance % Net Sales Volume YTD$2,131,177$1,755,747$375, % Average Sales Draft YTD$68.09$62.06$ % Total Cash Disbursement YTD$161,452$112,224$49, % Avg. Cash Disbursement YTD$338.47$245.03$ % Total Volume YTD$2,292,629$1,867,972$424, %
Results: CSCU Data Sept Augusta Metro FCU VISA Balance Transfer Promo Revenue This YearLast YearVariance Variance % Finance Charge $ YTD$152,184$117,472$34, % Interchange $ YTD$38,345$31,580$6, % Annual Fees $ YTD$0 0.0% Late Fees $ YTD$11,460$11,040$4203.8% Over Limit Fees $ YTD$1,000$1,220($220)-18.03% Misc Fees $ YTD$4,297$4,684($387)-8.27% Total Revenue $ YTD$207,286$165,997$41, %
Augusta Metro FCU VISA Balance Transfer Promo Results of Balance Transfer Promotion 2008: January$28,767.38June$60, February$57,501.06July$64, March$59,567.61August$62, April$22,358.56September$34, May $75,095.31October$ TOTAL YEAR TO DATE $569,869.28
Augusta Metro FCU VISA Balance Transfer Promo Contact Info: Butch Holley, VP