1 Registers and MAL - Part I
Motivation So far there are some details that we have ignored instructions can have different formats most computers have more than one kind of memory a real assembly language has no notion of data type
Instructions as Data A program code can be thought of as an array of instructions Many modern computers, including MIPS RISC architecture, have fixed-sized instructions that are at least 32-bits long. The advantage of fixed-size instructions is the ease of calculating where it begins and ends, especially if the size is equal to a word.
Large instructions not only take up space but require more time to fetch, thus there is an advantage to small instructions. add a bc opcode
Opcode The opcode corresponds to the mnemonic of an assembly language instruction -- e.g. it tells us that it is an add instruction. Implicitly, it specifies how the other fields have to be interpreted. The opcode must be specified by a field large enough to specify uniquely all possible codes in the instruction set.
How many bits do we need for the add instruction? = 104 bits Each memory access can only take 32 bits at a time. Fetch instruction = 4 accesses Fetch and store operands = 3 accesses
Reducing the size of an instruction reduces the size of the program in memory. It also reduces the time and amount of hardware needed to fetch the instruction. The motivation for techniques to reduce instruction size is based on locality of reference property.
Locality of Reference A small and predictable set of variables tends to be referenced much more often than other variables. This property implies that the memory is not referenced randomly. This property is also used to enhance speed using a cache.
Three-address format A SAL instruction add a,b,c requires three things to be specified: The two numbers to be added and the destination to which the result of the addition is to be saved. This instruction format is called a three- address format.
Two-address format The address of an instruction can often be inferred from its context. If we use only one specification for both the destination of the operation result and one of the operands, then we make the instruction shorter. add a,b # a = a + b
One-address format We can reduce the size of the instruction further by using an accumulator. An accumulator is a special memory cell used as the destination for most instruction results. add a #accumulator=accumulator + a
Example 11.1 The high-level language statement a = b + c; can be translated as: accumulator = b accumulator = accumulator + c a = accumulator
Store and Load Instructions To assign the value of the variable x to the accumulator we can use the instruction lda x To store the value of the accumulator to x we can use the instruction sta x
Example 11.2 We can translate the high-level language statement a = b + c; using the load and store instructions into: lda b add c sta a
Example 11.3 The use of single-address instructions need not dramatically increase the number of instructions as we might expect. avg = (a + b + c + d)/ 4; add avg,a,b add avg,avg,c add avg,avg,d div avg,avg,4 lda a add b add c add d div 4 sta avg SAL three-address format one-address format high-level
Registers In practice, registers are designed to be a part of the CPU and not a part of memory. Register set or register files can be considered as a second, small memory. Since this is a small memory, the number of addresses become small and thus, the number of bits required to store the addresses reduce. An individual word within this small memory is called a register.
The variables that are used more often are assigned more or less permanently to individual registers. Other variables that are not used often can be temporarily assigned to any unused register. The values of the variables must be copied to the register when the register is bound to the variable and are copied back into memory when the registers are unbound. Hence, many variables can share the same register in the course of the program.
The MIPS RISC architecture get their operands only from the registers. The only instructions that are allowed to access the memory are the load and store instructions. Architectures that restrict the access of data in memory to load and store instructions are called load and store architectures. A register is specified by preceding its name by the symbol $. sub $10, $8, $9
Special Registers Some registers are special purpose registers like the PC (program counter) or may be use to hold frequently used memory address like the stack pointer. In MIPS RISC architecture, $0 always contains the constant 0.
Addressing Modes The effective address is the address after all the calculations are completed. Addressing mode is the method by which an address is specified 1. Direct. Use a two-word instruction. The address is contained in the instruction. address opcodereg effective address
2. Register Direct. Specify a register that contains the effective address opcodereg address effective address
3. Base Displacement/Indexed/Relative. Specify a register and a constant. The address is computed by adding them together. opcoderegconstant address + effective address
The instruction specifies two registers containing two addresses. The sum is the effective address. opcode reg addressoffset effective address +
Immediate. The operand is contained directly in the instruction. Register. The operand is contained in a register. Indirect. The instruction specifies a register which contains a first address. The first address does not contain the operand but contains a second address where the operand is located.
Indirect Addressing address opcodereg address effective address
Control Instructions In a load/store architecture, only two types of instructions specify addresses: store and load instructions control instructions Control instructions specify the target address of the next instruction if the control of the program execution is to be transferred there, e.g. branch, jump
PC-relative addressing A machine language instruction can specify an offset to a jump. The offset is added to the value of the PC to find the effective address of the next instruction. An addressing mode that implies the use of a PC is PC-relative. offset beqvar1var2 program counter (PC) address + effective address