Vision 2020 The Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Area practices social justice in a culture of public participation guided by an efficient, accountable, non racial, non sexist and sustainable municipality that focuses on sustainable environmental, social and economic development, improving quality of life of its communities in a secured, safe and tourist friendly environment.
Current Situation l No Municipal Police Service l Operational Traffic Service l Operational Security Service l Community Based Anti Crime Volunteers l Crime Prevention Strategy l Implementation of CCTV Cameras at problem locations l Active involvement and co-operation with SAPS
MPS Establishment l Since 1998 a number of investigations were done. l Financial constraints hampered the establishment of a MPS l Alternative involvement whilst preparing for the establishment of a MPS –Traffic officer conversion training –Training of Security Staff –Training of Community Based Volunteers –Drafting of crime prevention strategy –Community Safety Forum Established –CCTV Cameras Roll out in progress
MPS Establishment Requirements l Public surveys suggest that one of the key demands of ordinary citizens is for a more visible police presence. l Response times to complaints and incidents should be acceptable. Therefore l It is absolutely essential that once a MPS have been established that it delivers on the public expectations. l Half measures will rather act negatively than assist with crime prevention.
l Staff Requirements - Availability –Staff is a primary requirement for a Police Service. –Current Staff Availability Traffic 70 Trained – 40 Pending Training. Total Security 60 Trained - 20 Pending Training. Total - 80 Volunteers 400 trained as peace officers only. l Staff Requirements – Additional –Current avg MPS Officer to Civilian ratio in SA is 1:2580 –Proposed avg ratio is 1:974 (Countrywide survey) l NMBM Population = 1,2mil –Minimum level of staff - Current avg ratio 500 officers. –Proposed acceptable ratio – Proposed avg ratio1230 officers. MPS Establishment Requirements Cont
Estimated Cost to Establish a MPS in NMBM l Since the current ave ratio already proved insufficient budget is calculated on the proposed ratio of 1:974 i.e officers. l Current Budget R119,295,560 l Proposed Additional Budget R l Except if other sources of finance can be found this is an increase of 34% in Rates. l Therefore the implementation should be done in phases over a three year period.
The Concept of Community Safety Forums Municipal Involvement
l Community Safety Forum with SAPS as well as Business and NGO’s. – Quarterly l Active participation in JOINTS Meetings. - Quarterly l Interdepartmental Forum, Traffic, SAPS, Correctional Services, Justice. – Monthly l Representation and involvement on all Community Police Forums Officials and councillors. l Crime prevention through environmental design i.e. street lighting, bush clearing. l Through efficient municipal management reduce vacant premises, plots, buildings. l Community participation against crime as part of the Khusela Abahlali programme. Co-operation with the Safety and Security Cluster
l Joint operations against places of entertainment and taverns etc. in terms of : –Enforcement of municipal bylaws such as fire safety, crowd control. –Licensing and building standards. –Traffic legislation such as drunken driving unruly behavior etc. l Involvement with the establishment of a community court. Co-operation with the Safety and Security Cluster
l Active involvement in the implementation of Sector Policing initiative. l Information sharing within the criminal justice system. l Contributing to profile registers of common offenders for identified priority crimes and drug dealers. l Contributing to rehabilitation programs of common offenders. l Supporting gun-free society initiatives. l Drafting co-operation agreements and project plans with Stepping Stone. (Integrated Justice Centre) l Drafting co-operation agreements with Department of Education at district level. l Drafting co-operation agreements and project plans with school principals and governing committees. Co-operation with the Safety and Security Cluster
l Deployment of 136 Community based volunteers in all Police Stations areas as part of the Sector Policing Programme. - Ongoing l A further 218 are deployed at identified Crime hotspots. - Ongoing l Joint Roadblocks with SAPS, Security, Traffic Officers and Volunteers. l Operate 4 regional offices and victim support centres. To be expanded to 8 l Play an active role in the Safer Schools Programme l Supporting visible policing operations to address fear of crime by: –improving public communication on the street and at people’s homes. –improving street level law enforcement Co-operation with the Safety and Security Cluster
Contribution to Social Crime Prevention l Actual effect difficult to quantify – preventative rather than reactive policing. l Feedback from the community – Positive l Feedback from the SAPS – Positive l Since 2002 joint festive season. programmes proved extremely successful. l Implementation of a security master plan for the Metro.
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