CPW #27 Learning Intentions - Today, I am going to: 1. review my Winter 2014 MAP results. 2. identify my areas of strength and weakness in both Reading and Mathematics. 3. set a goal of growth for the remaining MAP tests this school year. Success Criteria – I will know I am successful when I… 1. understand my Winter 2014 MAP results. 2. set attainable, measureable goals for my Spring 2014 MAP testing. 10 th Grade Winter MAP Score Reflection
You should be using Pages 61 (Math) and 62 (Reading) in your updated Student Agenda.
How to read your Student Progress Report…Math MAP The 3 WI14 bars are your Math score, the MPS average, and a typical national score (Norm.) These are your ratings of the four measured Math GOALS. These identify strengths and weaknesses. High > HiAvg > Avg > LowAvg > Low Make sure you are looking at Math results. WI14 has your latest RIT band, growth since FA13, projected growth from now until SP14, and percentile range. This student’s score is as good or better than 64% of students. This is your growth goal for the rest of this year.
Page 61 of your updated Student Agenda… Shade the Winter bar from left to right to your WI14 RIT score. Our sample student has a Math RIT of 242. Using the data from your reports, add a vertical line for the district average, the norm, and the MPS ‘On- Target’ RIT of Avg High Avg HiAvg Complete the Descriptors of the 4 Math GOALS under the WINTER column with your results. 242 HiAvg Avg
How to read your Student Progress Report…Reading MAP The 3 WI14 bars are your Reading score, the MPS average, and a typical national score (Norm.) These are your ratings of the three measured Reading GOALS. These identify strengths and weaknesses. High > HiAvg > Avg > LowAvg > Low Make sure you are looking at Reading results. WI14 has your latest RIT band, growth since FA13, projected growth from now until SP14, and percentile range. This student’s score is as good or better than 70% of students. This is your growth goal for the rest of this year.
Page 62 of your updated Student Agenda… Shade the Winter bar from left to right to your WI14 RIT score. Our sample student has a Reading RIT of 239. Using the data from your reports, add a vertical line for the district average, the norm, and the MPS ‘On- Target’ RIT of High HiAvg High Complete the Descriptors of the 3 Reading GOALS under the WINTER column with your results. 239 High HiAvg
MAP testing is really about working towards 3 goals as a student at Reagan… 1.Getting your RIT past the MPS ‘On-Target’ Score. 10 th Grade Math – th Grade Reading – Showing RIT growth that meets or exceeds your Growth Projection. 3.Maintaining or improving each GOAL Descriptor. High > HiAvg > Avg > LowAvg > Low
CPW #27 Learning Intentions - Today, I am going to: 1. review my Winter 2014 MAP results. 2. identify my areas of strength and weakness in both Reading and Mathematics. 3. set a goal of growth for the remaining MAP tests this school year. Success Criteria – I will know I am successful when I… 1. understand my Winter 2014 MAP results. 2. set attainable, measureable goals for my Spring 2014 MAP testing. 10 th Grade Winter MAP Score Reflection