MMA708-H Undersökningsperiod: 1/17/2014 -> 1/31/2014 Antal svar: 5 Svarsfrekvens: 45.5% (5/11)
Teaching methods (Avg: 1.6)
Teaching methods (Avg: 4)
Teaching methods Always appreciated by a lecturer who himself works in the field. The course is a forest of material. One has to dedicate a good chunk of time to read and understand the concepts.The course needs time for the practical application of the concepts learned under the guidance of an instructor. This calls for the course to be split into a theoretical part and a practical part.
Examination (Avg: 4.2)
Literature and other teaching aids (Avg: 4.25)
Literature and other teaching aids Way too much informaiton far too short of time to digest the material.
Course Content (Avg: 4.4)
Course Content The course should be split into two.
Internationalisation 1 (Avg: 1.2)
Internationalisation 2 - Added value (Avg: 3)
Study Guide or other information about the course (Avg: 4)
Study Guide or other information about the course Well then Röman upload generic read command before the exam. Once the course. More examples required, but then there is so much content pretty hard to decide on what is important.
Your own work effort
Overall assessment of the course (Avg: 4)
Overall assessment of the course Skilled teachers who give the theory a little reality. the time period was completely unrealistic for the amount of information presented.