2014 Drought Outreach Workgroup Triggers
These outreach strategies recommended, must have a specific date, flow level, index well level, river condition, or other defined trigger for implementation or distribution.
Purpose of Presentation: To present a draft list of potential specific dates, flow levels, index well levels, river conditions, or other defined visual occurrence to be used by the Implementing Committee to trigger outreach
Next Steps: 1.Workgroup members solicit input from community and others 2.Discuss potential triggers and provide feedback to John Boggess for listing at next meeting 3.At 4/23 meeting, agree to final list of triggers
San Antonio PoolCritical Period Trigger (10-day avg.) Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3Stage 4Stage 5 J-17 level (MSL) <660<650<640<630<625 San Marcos Springs flow (cfs) <96<80N/A Comal Springs flow (cfs) <225<200<150<100<45/40* Withdrawal Reduction 20%30%35%40%44% *San Antonio Pool only. <45 cfs 10-d rolling avg, or <40 cfs 3-d rolling average. Expires >45 cfs for 10-d rolling avg.
Uvalde PoolCritical Period Trigger (10-day avg.) Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3Stage 4Stage 5 J-27 level (MSL) N/A<850<845<842<840 San Marcos Springs flow (cfs) N/A Comal Springs flow (cfs) N/A Withdrawal Reduction N/A5%20%35%44% Uvalde Pool enters Stage 2 based on 10-d rolling avg of J27 index wel water level.
San Marcos Springs Flow Regime: Long-term average: 140 cfs Minimum 6-month average: 75 cfs Minimum 1-month average: 52 cfs Minimum daily average: 45 cfs Comal Springs Flow Regime: Long-term average: 225 cfs Minimum 6-month average: 75 cfs Minimum 1-month average: 45 cfs Minimum daily average: 30 cfs
Minimal flows in HCP VISPO Triggers ASR triggers Critical Period Agriculture Operations and Conservation
Recreation Visual decrease in flowing water Loss of cultural or economic opportunity Water Conservation Activities Adaptive Mgmt due to drought
USGS Recharge Estimate (drought of record conditions) Provision M of the ITP Conservation Contracts
Concern/Milestone Trigger for Outreach response (Before) Trigger for Outreach response (After) SpokespersonCommunity AffectedType of MediaKey Elements of Messaging Prepared Response Spring Run 1 going ceases to flow Spring Run 1 < 5 cfs NB- SM- SA- U/M- New Braunfels / Entire Region NB-KNBT (Interview) and Herald Zeitung SA- Express News SM- Social Media Uvalde/Medina- Factsheets and Table Tents 1.HCP is doing … to help… 2.HCP slowed/prevented this from occurring sooner by… 3.Spring Run 1 is not “ideal” habitat; rather Landa Lake is, and it still represents habitat in good condition. 4.Spring Run 1 is the first major spring to go dry in the Comal system and this was planned for and is part of the HCP 5.Definition of terms-Not dry but stops flowing A, C, F……. Minimum SM and NB SSA area in SM Refugia Triggers and at different levels VISPO ASR Comal falls below 100 Sm Falls below 100 CPM Reductions Current and/or Future Proactive Triggers General positive “feel good” messaging at regular intervals 1.Successes of HCP 2.Initiatives by Regional Stakeholders (SAWS ASR, SM/NB) 3.Conservation and education programs… etc.