From the tow barge...
to digital traffic control
TomTom navigation Pioneers in international business
Fiberglass industry Pioneers in international business
Solar car Pioneers in international business
Glare, a new airplane material Pioneers in international business
Mainport Rotterdam Pioneers in international business
Yachtbuilding Pioneers in international business
Flower wholesale Pioneers in international business
Palm Island, Dubai Pioneers in international business
Wozoco’s Pioneers in international business
Flood barrier Pioneers in international business
Building bridges Pioneers in international business
Dikes Pioneers in international business
Tunnel under water Pioneers in international business
Energy-saving greenhouses Pioneers in international business
Food research Pioneers in international business
Herman the bull Pioneers in international business
Water purification Pioneers in international business
Development of synthetic grass Pioneers in international business
Paints used for Stadium Australia Pioneers in international business
Innovative research Pioneers in international business
Spyker Pioneers in international business
Peter Struyken light sculpture Pioneers in international business
Miffy, Dick Bruna Pioneers in international business
The clapskates Pioneers in international business
Yuri van Gelder Pioneers in international business
Innovative sport accessories Pioneers in international business
Economic Growth World Economic Growth 20045% 20054% Europe % % % The Netherlands % % % Source: CPB, MEV 2006 Pioneers in international business
The Dutch Economy Expenditure on GDP ( € bn at current market prices) GDP Growth of real GDP (%) Growth of real GDP per head (%) Private consumption Government consumption Exports of goods & services Imports of goods & services Source: EIU Country Forecast, 2006 Pioneers in international business
The Dutch Economy Economic structure, income and market size Population (m) GDP per head (US$)38,41039,858 Private consumption per head (US$)18,46318,949 Private consumption ( € bn) Personal disposable income ( € bn) Gross domestic product by sector of origin Agriculture Industry Services Source: EIU Country Forecast, 2006
Pioneers in international business Relative position in the euro zone (Dutch growth - euro zone growth, yearly basis) Source: CPB, MEV 2006
Pioneers in international business Key economic indicators Source: EIU Country Forecast, January Real GDP growth (%) Consumer price inflation (avg;%) Consumer price inflation (avg;%; EU harmonized measure) 1.6 Budget balance (%of GDP) Current account balance (% of GDP) Short-term interest rate (avg; %) Exchange rate US$:€ (av)
Pioneers in international business Key economic indicators Demand and output (volume) Gross Domestic Product (GDP, economic growth) Private consumption (1.25) Gross fixed investment, private non-residential Private residential investment Exports of goods (non-energy)5.257 Imports of goods4.257 Prices and wages Consumer Price Index (CPI)1.51 Price domestic expenditure1.5 Source: CPB Newsletter, December 2005
Pioneers in international business Prosperity: growth in income per head per year Regional Communities International economy US EU Netherlands Source: CPB and Groningen Growth and Development Centre Scenario
Pioneers in international business