Probabilistic Algorithms Michael Sipser Presented by: Brian Lawnichak
2 Introduction Probabilistic Algorithm –uses the result of a random process –“flips a coin” to decide next execution Purpose –saves on calculating the actual best choice –avoids introducing a bias –e.g. query individuals in a large population
3 Probabilistic Turing Machine Definition 10.3 Nondeterministic Turing Machine M –each nondeterministic step is a coin flip –two legal next moves –probability is given to each branch b of M Pr[b] = 2 -k –where k is the number of coin flips on b
4 M on input w Probability that M accepts input w Pr[M accepts w] = Pr[b] Probability that M rejects input w Pr[M rejects w] = 1 – Pr[M accepts w] What if there is a bad coin flip? –is this algorithm 100% correct? –errors should be accounted for
5 Error Probability Allow the Turing machine an error probability where 0 ½ M recognizes language L with error probability if –w L implies Pr[M accepts w] 1 – –w L implies Pr[M rejects w] 1 – We say that TM M is bounded by
6 The Class BPP Bounded Probabilistic Polynomial time Turing machine M 1 Time and Space complexity same as a nondeterministic TM Definition 10.4 –BPP is the class of languages recognized by M 1 with error probability = 1/3
7 Amplification An error probability of 33% is lousy Could we improve upon this? Amplification lemma –uses any error 0 ½ –allows us to make the error probability exponentially small
8 Lemma 10.5 Given fixed and polynomial poly(n) M 1 operates with error probability an equivalent BPP TM M 2 that operates with error probability 2 -poly(n) –M 2 simulates M 1 by running it a polynomial number of times and taking the majority decision vote
9 Will M 2 Really Work? Box has 2/3 green and 1/3 red balls –M 1 samples one ball at random to decide –errs with probability M 2 runs M 1 poly(n) times to decide –each run of M 1 gives us err of –running multiple times gives us exponentially small probability
10 Proof Using M 1 show that M 2 recognizes the same language with error 2 -poly(n) t = 2 poly(n) a = 1/(4 (1- ) b = max(1,1/log(a)) c = 2 log(bt) k = bc
11 Proof [cont.] M 2 = “On input w –find k and repeat the following 2k times – simulate M 1 on input w –if most runs of M 1 accept then accept; otherwise reject
12 Verification We have built M 2 but must now verify that M 2 is equivalent to M 1 Assumptions –t 9 while conserving generality –M 1 errs on w with ½ –M 2 obtains at least k erroneous results on 2k runs of M 1
13 Verification [cont.] Probability of M2 obtaining more than k erroneous on 2k runs is We can allow i = k because /(1 - ) 1 when ½
14 Verification [cont.] With i = k we have an upper bound We bound the combination by 2 2k, the number of all subsets giving us (k+1)2 2k k (1- ) k (k+1)(4 (1- )) k
15 Verification [cont.] We can allow (1 - ) (1 - ) because ½ giving us (k+1)(4 (1- )) k (k+1)(1/a) k To show that this is at most 2 -poly(n), we show that a k (k+1)t
16 Verification [cont.] We use a series of inequalities a k = a bc a bc 2 c = 2 2log(bt) = (bt) 2 b 1 and t 9 so that bt 9; therefore (bt) 2 bt(2+2log(bt)) = t(2b+2blog(bt)) Since b 1, we come up with a k t(2+2blog(bt)) t(1+ 2blog(bt) ) t(1+ bc ) = (k+1)t
17 Applications Known: –BPP = co-BPP Unknown: –NP BPP –BPP NP Existence of certain strong pseudo- random number generators implies that P = BPP above information was gleaned from
18 Applications [cont.] Security –Chinese Remainder Theorem simplifies modular arithmetic –increases the efficiency of decryption –given pairwise relatively prime moduli {p1,...,pn} and arbitrary {a1,...,an} –there exists a unique key above information was gleaned from: “FAQ on Public-Key Crypt” on the Google sci.crypt newsgroup
19 Applications [cont.] Primality –don’t bother testing all positive integers less than x to show that x is prime –select a subset of numbers {1, …, x-1} chosen randomly and test for those
20 Conclusions Using random processes for nondeter- minism saves time and avoids bias Error should be accounted for Bounded by exponentially small error