Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Maps - Inputs and Status Choi Yoon Seok Jennifer S. Haase Robert L. Nowack Purdue University
Status Preliminary data sets used as of 11/20/05 Approximate bedrock topography and surface wave velocity model constructed. Preliminary v1.0 full calculation completed and presented at Fall AGU 12/8/05 –Very sensitive to bedrock depth Second calculation using new version of Cramer’s PSHA code completed 2/18/06 –0.2 sec expected acc. Increased by ~0.1g –Investigated larger period range Third run with finalized model planned 4/06
Site amplificat ion factor Amplification Factor
Site amplificat ion factor Amplification Factor
PSHA maps Accelerati on Level (g)
Data inputs 48 USGS CPT –Used to assign Vs to unit types - loess, alluvium, lacustrine - averaged over depth to one Vs 33 borehole Vs –Used to assign Vs to unit types - averaged over depth to one Vs 570 new SPT at 60 geotechnical sites –Not used - not satisfied with SPT => Vs 230 Vp refraction –Used for depth to bedrock –Used for bedrock velocity (Vs=Vp/1.72)
Data inputs KGS Vs refraction profiles (CUSEC report) –Used only to check approx bedrock Vs IGS Ilith water well logs –Used for bedrock depth –Not used for densifying lateral varying lithology, yet… KY bedrock elevation points (R. Counts)
Data inputs Surficial geology –Used to determine surface lithology type, then one velocity and uncertainty assigned to all grid points within that map area –All these surficial geology maps were preliminary products
Quadrangle Map Status?
Bedrock depth model
Effect of depth of soil on amplification At 0.05 g input Site amplificat ion factor
What’s left to try? Use more data to determine correspondence between velocity and unit lithology Water wells and SPTs : calculate average velocity given the total thickness of different units using lithology for each unit Try a depth dependence for each unit Need some kind of numbers for bedrock Refraction data in Ron’s marginal areas Make cross sections through our Vs/bedrock model for detailed cross section lines to make sure they are consistent with detailed depositional cross sections.
Products PSHA maps at any level desired –Level of acceleration in g with X% probability to be exceeded in 50 years –At pga, 0.2 sec, 1 sec (or others) –9 quadrangle region Scenario earthquake calculation for Indiana side? Using same scenarios as Zhenming?
Products From 3D Vs above bedrock model can calculate site classification Give information to CUSEC to make updated NEHRP soil classification maps These could be available products to other scientists and also users of HAZUS