VLDB’2007 review Denis Mindolin. VLDB’07 program.


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Presentation transcript:

VLDB’2007 review Denis Mindolin

VLDB’07 program

Outline Probabilistic Skylines on Uncertain Data, Jian Pei et al Lazy Maintenance of Materialized Views, Jingren Zhou et al

Probabilistic Skylines on Uncertain Data Based on the VLDB’07 paper of Jian Pei et al

Skyline. General picture For a dataset D = {p 1,..,p n }, the skyline S is the set of all p i s.t. there is no other p j that dominates p i p i dominates p j if p i is  better than p j in at least one dimension, and  not worse than p j in all other dimensions Single game results: S = {Eddie, Carl}

Uncertain data Multiple game results: S=? Use some aggregate function?  Can’t capture distribution!  Can be biased by outliers!

Probabilistic dominance relation Uncertain data Uncertain object U={u 1,..,u l } Uncertain objects are independent Pr(u i ) = Pr(u j ) Probabilistic dominance relation Given two uncertain objects U={u 1, …, u l1 }, V={v 1, …, v l2 } The prob. that V dominates U is given by

Probabilistic dominance relation. Example Smaller values of X and Y are better

p-Skyline Let U={u 1,…,u l }. For all u  U, probability of u in skyline := Probability u not dominated by any other object Skyline probability of U p-Skyline

The bottom up skyline algorithm Bounding  Compute upper and lower bounds of skyline prob. for objects Pruning  If the lower bound of Pr(U) is larger than p, then U is in the skyline. If the upper bound of Pr(U) is smaller than p, U is not in the skyline Refining  If p is between the lower and the upper bounds, then we need to get tighter bounds of the skyline probabilities by the next iteration of the algorithm

Bounding u min =(min i=1 {u i.D 1 },…,min{u i.D l }) u max =(max i=1 {u i.D 1 },…,max{u i.D l }) Lemma  If u i1 < u i2 then Pr(u i1 ) ≥ Pr(u i2 )  Pr(u min ) ≥ Pr(U) ≥ Pr(u max )

Pruning Rule1. For an uncertain object U and probability threshold p,  if Pr(U min ) < p, then U is not in the p-skyline.  If Pr(U max ) ≥ p, then U is in the p-skyline. Rule2. For each instance u  U, let Pr + (u) and Pr - (u) be the upper and lower bounds of Pr(u)  If, then U is not in the p-skyline  If, then U is in the p-skyline Rule3. Let U and V be two different uncertain objects. If u  U and V max < u, then Pr(u) = 0

Pruning Rule4. Let U and V be two uncertain objects and U’  U be a subset of instances of U such that U’ max  V min. If, then Pr(V) < p and thus V is not in the p-skyline

Refinement Partition instances into layers

Algorithm summary Complexity: O(W total *R)  W total – number of instances whose skyline probabilities are computed by the algorithm  R – average cost of querying local R-tree of possible dominating objects  W total is much smaller than the total number of instances Top-down algorithm: see the paper

Lazy Maintenance of Materialized Views Based on the VLDB’07 paper of Jingren Zhou et al

Eager and Deferred Materialized View Maintenance T1 V T2 Eager: User tran: {upd(T1), upd(T2)} Executed: {upd(T1), upd(T2), recomp(V)} Deferred: User tran: {upd(T1), upd(T2)} Executed: {upd(T1), upd(T2)} … User tran: {recomp(V)} … User tran: {Q(V)} Executed: {Q(V)}

Lazy Materialized View Maintenance T1 V T2 Lazy: User tran: {upd(T1), upd(T2)} Executed: {upd(T1), upd(T2)} … Executed: { recomp(V) } … User tran: {Q(V)} Executed: {Q(V)}

System architecture Based on MS SQL Server 2005

How it works

Delta tables Table 1 : {(transID i, stmtID i, rowID i, action i )} … Table n : {(transID i, stmtID i, rowID i, action i )}  tranID – transaction id  stmtID – statement id  rowID – updated row id  action = (ins|del)  All “update” actions are converted into pairs of del/ins actions

Maintenance and its optimization Maintenance task is created for each view affected by a transaction Views updated incrementally using Delta tables “Smart” maintenance task scheduler  Maintenance tasks are scheduled as low-priority jobs  Maintenance tasks are combined using the Condense operator  Proper times slot is allocated for each task

Delta stream Condense operator Intuition: Tran: {A:=1,…,A:=2,…,A:=3}=>{…,A:=3} Operator definition  INS/INS condense: {ins 1 (row a ), …, ins k (row a )}=>{…, ins k (row a )}  INS/DEL condense: {ins 1 (row a ), …, del k (row a )}=>{…}  DEL/DEL condense: {del 1 (row a ), …, del k (row a )}=>{…, del k (row a )}

Performance results Response time is low Query response time is low Maintenance cost  eager view update cost Overhead is low