Revenue Maximization in Probabilistic Single-Item Auctions by means of Signaling Joint work with: Yuval Emek (ETH) Iftah Gamzu (Microsoft Israel) Moshe Tennenholtz (Microsoft Israel & Technion) Michal Feldman Hebrew University & Microsoft Israel
Asymmetry of information Asymmetry of information is prevalent in auction settings Specifically, the auctioneer possesses an informational superiority over the bidders The problem: how best to exploit the informational superiority to generate higher revenue?
Ad auctions – market for impressions
The goods: end users (“impressions”) (navigate through web pages) The bidders: advertisers (wish to target ads at the right end users, and usually have very limited knowledge for who is behind the impression) The auctioneer: publisher (controls and generates web pages content, typically has a much more accurate information about the site visitors) Market for impressions
Valuation matrix... … … 1 … ………10100 i … n Bidders (advertisers) Items (impressions)
Probabilistic single-item auction (PSIA) A single item is sold in an auction with n bidders The auctioned item is one of m possible items V i,j : valuation of bidder i [n] for item j [m] The bidders know the probability distribution p (m) over the items The auctioneer knows the actual realization of the item The item is sold in a second price auction Winner: bidder with highest bid Payment: second highest bid An instance of a PSIA is denoted A = (n,m,p,V)
Probabilistic single-item auction Good m … Good j … Good 1 Bidder # 1 … i … n V i,j p(1)p(j)p(m) E p [v 1,j ] E p [v i,j ] E p [v n,j ] Observation: it’s a dominant strategy (in second price auction) to reveal one’s true expected value (same logic as in the deterministic case) Expected revenue = max2 i [n] { E p [V i,j ] } max1 max2 Bidders
Market for impressions Various business models have been proposed and used in the market for impression, varying in Mechanism used to sell impressions (e.g., auction, fixed price) How much information is revealed to the advertisers We propose a “signaling scheme” technique that can significantly increase the auctioneer’s revenue The publisher partitions the impressions into segments, and once an impression is realized, the segment that contains it is revealed to the advertisers
Signaling scheme Given a PSIA A = (n,m,p,V) Auctioneer partitions goods into (pairwise disjoint) clusters C 1 U U C k = [m] Once a good j is chosen (with probability p(j)), the bidders are signaled cluster C l that contains j, which induces a new probability distribution: p(j | C l ) = p(j) / p(C l ) for every good j C l (and 0 for j C l ) The Revenue Maximization by Signaling (RMS) problem: what is the signaling scheme that maximizes the auctioneer’s revenue? Recall: 2 nd price auction --- each bidder i submits bid b i, and highest bidder wins and pays max2 i n {b i }
Signaling schemes Female/ Arizona p(4) Female/ California p(3) Male/ Arizona p(2) Male/ California p(1) Bidder # 1 2 V i,j Single cluster (reveal no information) Singletons (reveal actual realization) Other signaling schemes: Male / Female California / Arizona C1C1 C1C1 C2C2 C3C3 C4C4 C1C1 C2C2 C1C1 C2C2 Bidders
Is it worthwhile to reveal info? Revealing: 1 Not revealing: 1/2 Good 4 1/4 Good 3 1/4 Good 2 1/4 Good 1 1/4 Bidder # Good 2 1/2 Good 1 1/2 Bidder # Revealing: 0 Not revealing: 1/4
Other structures Single cluster: expected revenue = 1/m Singletons: expected revenue = 0 Clusters of size 2: expected revenue = 1/2 m …… … 1 i 1 … n 1/m Bidders Goods 0 0
Revenue Maximization (RMS) Given a signaling scheme C, the expected revenue of the auctioneer is RMS problem: design signaling scheme C that maximizes R(C)
Revenue Maximization (RMS) Given a signaling scheme C, the expected revenue of the auctioneer is RMS problem: design signaling scheme C that maximizes R(C)
Revenue Maximization (RMS) Given a signaling scheme C, the expected revenue of the auctioneer is RMS problem: design signaling scheme C that maximizes R(C) 1 n P(j) j i
Revenue Maximization (RMS) Given a signaling scheme C, the expected revenue of the auctioneer is SRMS problem (simplified RMS): design signaling scheme C that maximizes last expression 1 n j i
Female/ Arizona Female/ California Male/ Arizona p(2) Male/ California Bidder # 1 n i,j C1C1 C2C2 max1 max2max1 max2 + =R(C) Revenue maximization by signaling i j
RMS hardness Theorem: given a fixed-value matrix nxm and some integer , it is strongly NP-hard to determine if SRMS on admits a signaling scheme with revenue at least Proof: reduction from 3-partition Corollary: RMS admits no FPTAS (unless P=NP) Remarks: Problem remains hard even if every good is desired by at most a single bidder, and even if there are only 3 bidders Yet, some cases are easy; e.g., if all values are binary, then the problem is polynomial
Aproximation Constant factor approximation: Step 1: greedy matching -- match sets that are “close” to each other Step 2: choose the best of (i) a single cluster of the rest, or (ii) singleton clusters of the rest m n 11 22 44 nn n-1
Bayesian setting Practically, the auctioneer does not know the exact valuation of each bidder Bidder valuations V i,j (and consequently i,j ) are random variables Auctioneer revenue is given by
Bayesian setting Theorem: if the (valuation) random variables are sufficiently concentrated around the expectation, then the problem possesses constant approximation to the RMS problem By running the algorithm on the matrix of expectations Open problem: can our algorithm work for a more extensive family of valuation matrix distributions?
Summary We study auction settings with asymmetric information between auctioneer and bidders A well-designed signaling scheme can significantly enhance the auctioneer’s revenue Maximizing revenue is a hard problem Yet, a constant factor approximation exists for some families of valuations Future / ongoing directions: Existence of PTAS Approximation for general distributions Asymmetric signaling schemes Thank you.