Long-Term Care Notice: This training material, including all handouts, video, written documentation and verbally--provided training, are considered confidential proprietary and trade secret information. No reproduction, video, audio or other recordings or disclosure of this information may occur without the express written consent of the home office of Bankers Life and Casualty Company, Bankers Conseco Life Insurance Company and Colonial Penn Life Insurance Company.
Long-Term Care Objectives At the end of this session, you will be able to: Effectively complete a role play using the Bankers Long-Term Care flipchart Transition to a product specific solution and utilize a closing technique Explain how to tie information obtained during Fact Finding to the product presentation
Long-Term Care Presentation Assume the following was uncovered during Fact Finding: Financially comfortable—not wealthy, but comfortable $150,000 in savings Decent pension Social Security income Low monthly expenses Has a Medicare and a Supplement Stated: “My father had to sell the family home to cover mom’s long-term care expenses before she passed—not to mention the emotional and physical drain of caring for her prior to entering the nursing home.” “My wife and I want to maintain our independence and protect our assets to leave for our two kids.” “Both of my kids would help make decisions for our care, but I wouldn’t want to put them through what we went through when my mom was sick.” No major health issues—insurable for a Long-Term Care policy
Role Play Setup 1. Break up into groups of Among your groupings, decide who will play the agent in scenario #1 and who will play the agent in scenario #2. 1) Scenario #1: Bill and Marylou Higgins Descriptions—page 5 in Participant Guide 2) Scenario #2: Maynard and Bobbie Smith Descriptions—page 6 in Participant Guide 3. Take 1 minute to read the prospect profile for scenario #1. 4. You will have 15 minutes to conduct the first role play and 2 minutes to debrief after. 5. Read scenario #2 and conduct role play with the same timeframes.