3/WS(Stockholm/Radley)5, (p 1), , D. Radley (© 2000l) (3WS(Stockholm)5 The IEC Data Dictionary) The IEC Data Dictionary Donald Radley
Status Where are we now ? Who is using the dictionary ? Where are we going ?
Current situation - basics Part 1 of IEC published in 1995 Part 2 (information model) in 1998 First revision of Part 1 as CDV in 2000 with extensions First revision of Part 2 as CDV in 2000 with corrections to original issue New Part 5 circulated as CD covering EXPRESS model for extensions to Part 1
New issue of IEC New data types LIST, SET, ARRAY Improved definition of TERM Explanation of use of feature class Part 2 corrected and terms deleted New Part 5 to contain EXPRESS model for new dictionary data types and terms EXPRESS code for instances of new data types in annex to Part 5
Current situation - dictionary Part 4 of IEC (core dictionary) published in classes and 1000 definitions First drafts of extensions to Part 4 - proposals for 1000 more definitions
Maintenance and Validation Part 3 of IEC published in 1997 as a Technical Report Principles of validation by IEC TCs accepted Maintenance agency and on-line database to be set up in IEC CO
Relationship with ISO Complementary standard - ISO ISO = IEC ISO PLIB standard provides model for instances Discussions on incorporating extensions to IEC in new parts of ISO 13584
Current implementations CIREP/MERCI project - Europe Si2/ECIX consortium - USA ECALS/EIAJ - Japan RosettaNet - USA JEMA project - Japan
CIREP/MERCI Project part-funded by EC Object - to support information flow of component data from supplier to end user Period - two years from 2000/01/01 Committed to use of IEC Pilot data - DRAMs from Infineon
MERCI Infrastructure Component manufacturers database Distribution Websearch Component Users ERP PDM CAD MERCI-DB MERCI Service Agency importexport data management MERCI-System PLIB download standardised format(s)
IEC 61360/PLIB data model EXPRESS META MODEL Dictionary (IEC61360/4) Meta model for classes and DETs (IEC61360/2, ISO13584/42) Meta model for library (ISO13584/24) Family View Component View
Si2/ECIX consortium (1) Seven or eight partners - mostly USA Initial objective to produce electronic data books Exchange format initially SGML - now XML Expressed interest in IEC dictionary, but were concerned over copyright issues
Si2/ECIX consortium (2) EXPRESSO parser for SPF files publicly available from NIST Conversion tool SPF to SGML and XML publicly available from NIST MoU about to be signed with IEC for use of IEC dictionary
ECALS/EIAJ consortium (1) Over 30 companies - part funded by MITI Administration now in the hands of EIAJ Primary objective - exchange of component data in computer- sensible form
ECALS/EIAJ consortium (2) Needed a dictionary Examined alternatives - considered IEC dictionary Rejected IEC dictionary due to concern over copyright issues Decided to produce own dictionary
The ECALS/EIAJ dictionary Around 450 classes and 2000 definitions Not entirely compliant with IEC Available as EXCEL spreadsheet Exchange format proposed to be XML - also considering CSV and SPF
IEC ECALS/EIAJ data model Class & PropertyTemplatesContents IEC6136-2ISO ISO Data Model Primary File Format CSV (predefined form) CSV (predefined form) Distribution File Format XML-DTD XML ECALS-Dic. Extension ECALS-Dic. Defined Compile-to Translate-to create Translate-to
RosettaNet (1) Membership now more than 50 firms in USA with expansion in Europe and Japan Objective - e-commerce in component data over the whole supply chain Needed a dictionary in short time scale Examined alternatives - IEC and ECALS
RosettaNet (2) Chose to use ECALS/EIAJ dictionary with XML implementation - concern over IEC copyright issues Reconsidered decision - turned to Si2 for help Current implementation still based on ECALS/EIAJ with some amendments
RosettaNet (3) RosettaNet dictionary available on the Web Stand-alone version also available XML and PDF output available Maintenance a continuous process Only partially compliant with IEC 61360
JEMA project (1) Heavy electrical industry cross-over project Project from April 2000 to March sponsored by MITI Members from four trade associations in Japan
JEMA project (2) Three themes - –standardization of EC/EDI/SCM –standardization of catalogue of heavy electrical components –standardization of engineering documents Implementation based on IEC and ISO/PLIB
Getting together First meeting of all interested parties in Paris in March 2000 –attended by IEC CO, MERCI, Si2/ECIX, ECALS/EIAJ, RosettaNet Meeting in USA this week –involving Si2, RosettaNet, EIAJ - IEC not represented Need to convene further meetings of all parties in near future
Actions Maintenance and validation Business model Copyright Expand dictionary Promotion of dictionary
Maintenance and validation (1) Establish IEC on-line dictionary –downloads essential Establish maintenance procedures –regional groups feeding IEC CO –perform syntactic checks –templates for data entry, with syntactic check –Amend IEC Part 3
Maintenance and validation (2) Establish validation procedures –requests to IEC TCs –local validation, related to local maintenance groups –model similar to that for IEC 60617
Business model Business model for the IEC dictionary –subscriptions by member firms, e.g. $1000 pa –members have rights to request new entries and to make downloads –dictionary display restricted for non- members –define the role of national committees
Copyright issues Make dictionary free if possible Licence conditions –may not sell –may not modify –must acknowledge source –must declare extensions –must impose same conditions on others when passing on
Expansion Introduce new DETs into the IEC dictionary as quickly as possible Bring the ECALS/EIAJ dictionary into the IEC dictionary Look for other potential sources of dictionary data
Promotion Promote the IEC dictionary as the only solution which will satisfy all users’ needs –through national committees –by cooperation with consortia