Context & Dictionary Skills


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Presentation transcript:

Context & Dictionary Skills with Multiple Meaning Words

Why do people use dictionaries?

We can use a dictionary to... find the definition of a word. find out how to pronounce a word. Learn the parts of speech of a word. Find synonyms (or antonyms) of a word. Determine how many syllables are in a word. Learn the history (or etymology) of a word. See how to spell a word.

Multiple-Meaning Words Multiple-meaning words have more than one definition. Think of all the different ways you can use the word play in a sentence.

Multiple-Meaning Words To determine the meaning of a word with more than one meaning, look at how the word is used in context. I can play the violin We are going to see a play. Play means different things in each sentence. In the first sentence, play indicates an action (verb). In the second sentence, play is a thing (noun).

Which meaning is it? Use the student dictionary to determine the meaning of the bolded words based on context clues. It was April Fool’s Day. Bradley decided to play (1) a trick on his parents. He asked his little brother to play (2) along with his scheme.

Which meaning is it? Use the student dictionary to determine the meaning of the bolded words based on context clues. The Anderson family is a very talented family. Tonight, Beth will play (1) the part of Juliet in the community theater’s play (2), Romeo and Juliet, while her brother Bradley will play (3) his violin in the orchestra. .

Which meaning is it? At Medieval Times, it’s fun to watch the knights charge each other. Which meaning? 1. n. the price demanded for something 2. n. having control or custody of someone or something 3. v. a violent rush, attack 4. v. to ask or set a price

Which meaning is it? The party of mountain climbers got their gear together and were ready to go. Which meaning? 1. n. a group of persons organized for the purpose of directing the policies of a government 2. n. a person or group participating in an action or event 3. n. a social gathering 4. v. to attend or give a party

Which meaning is it? The farmer will sell his produce at the farmer’s market. Which meaning? 1. v. to make 2. v. to oversee the making of 3. n. the amount 4. n. agricultural products, especially fresh fruits and vegetables