Collection of Entry s key – searched for value – cared about Implemented with: List w/ Entry s in order they were added List w/ Entry s in increasing order of keys Hash table Collection of Entry s key – searched for value – cared about Implemented with: List w/ Entry s in order they were added List w/ Entry s in increasing order of keys Hash table Map ADTDictionary ADT MAP VS. DICTIONARY
Collection of Entry s key – searched for value – cared about Implemented with: List w/ Entry s in order they were added List w/ Entry s in increasing order of keys Hash table key in at most 1 Entry Collection of Entry s key – searched for value – cared about Implemented with: List w/ Entry s in order they were added List w/ Entry s in increasing order of keys Hash table Entry s can share key Map ADTDictionary ADT MAP VS. DICTIONARY
Comparing Data Items Keeping Entry s ordered means comparing keys Cannot rely upon equals() for all comparisons Need to find smaller, bigger, & even-steven-equals Use, == when keys limited to numeric type String also has simple method: compareTo() Do not want to rewrite for each key type But this requires a general way to compare keys
Comparable Interface In Java as a standard from java.lang Defines single method used for comparison compareTo(E obj) compares instance with obj Returns int which is either negative, zero, positive
class Team implements Comparable { private int wins, losses, lossesInOTSO; private int points() { return (wins * 2) + (lossesInOTSO); } /** Order Team instances in standings */ public int compareTo(Team o) { int myPoints = points(); int oPoints = o.points(); if (myPoints == oPoints) { return 0; } else if (myPoints oPoints) { return 1; } } COMPARABLE Example
class Team implements Comparable { private int wins, losses, lossesInOTSO; private int points() { return (wins * 2) + (lossesInOTSO); } /** Order Team instances in standings */ public int compareTo(Team o) { int myPoints = points(); int oPoints = o.points(); return (myPoints - oPoints); } Simpler COMPARABLE
Entry s maintained in increasing order of key Use array-based List for efficient searching Simplify process: keys must be Comparable Ordered Dictionary
Subinterface of Dictionary Classes will define all methods in Dictionary Use anywhere that Dictionary could be used Adds efficiency of O(log n) search times Interface also defines the following methods: Entry first(); Entry last(); Iterator > successors(K k); Iterator > predecessors(K k); ORDEREDDICTIONARY ADT
Simplify life by requiring keys by Comparable Using generic types we can do this Use a special bounded generic type for key class ODict,V> implements OrderedDictionary { ODict happy; ODict glad; ODict sad; Writing ORDEREDDICTIONARY
class ODict,V> implements... { /** Array-based list we use to store the Entry s */ private IndexList > table; public Entry first() throws EmptyDictionaryException { // Check if we need to throw an Exception if (table.isEmpty()) { throw new EmptyDictionaryException(“No Entry”); } else { // Return the Entry with the smallest key return table.get(0); } } Writing ORDEREDDICTIONARY
public Iterator > successors(K k) { IndexList > retVal = // instantiation goes here // Loop from Entry with largest key back to Entry with smallest key for (int i = table.size()–1; i >= 0; i--) { Entry ent = table.get(i); // Stop once we find an Entry with a smaller or equal key if (k.compareTo(ent) >= 0) { break; } retVal.add(0, ent); // Keep Entry s in order } // Return the Iterator from the Iterable return retVal.iterator(); } More ORDEREDDICTIONARY
Finish week #13 assignment Due at usual time, whatever that may be Work on programming project #4 (due 12/1) See you at lab tomorrow and Happy Thanksgiving! Before Next Lecture…