Evolution of Computer Terminology Translations with the SPOT Dictionary Jiri Hynek, Premek Brada Department of Computer Science & Engineering Faculty of Applied Sciences University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic
2 “On the quality of Czech translations of technical literature” Apply filters Zažádej o filtry Ask for filters Why the ICT translator’s work is hard What we can do to help alleviate it
3 Standard translation process Translation, localization projects (books, software) (up to) millions of words in various contexts team work (export, import, corpus sync) need for consistency, efficiency, quality dictionaries, corpora, CAT tools Problems a translator runs into grasp meaning of highly specialized terms be aware of already existing term translations
4 Making term translations Linguist, corpus, current dictionaries Months, years of preparatory work and polishing Published dictionary ICT context: process works well for “stable old-timers” like memory, disk, dialog window
But what if new words appear every month, and get accepted worldwide within weeks?
6 Troublemakers among words Old-timers Novas and supernovas Homonyms, synonyms Shifting sands Esoteric terms … appear in books, papers, blogs, student works (diploma theses), documentation, software applications meet us daily
7 Troublemakers (1) Synonyms (pull-down | drop-down) Common words in new meaning Problems acceptance in non-original languages alternative translations – which is correct?
8 Troublemakers (2) Supernovas, esoteric terms – spam, phishing, blog, code closure, social bookmarking, refactoring, proxy, locale, box model, marshal, bean-managed persistence Problems “explanatory translations” instead of terms narrow community users prefer original to translation
9 Ways out Translate only few books? Educate translators? Educate developers, L10N specialists? … or …
10 SPOT Dictionary of (evolving, current, unsettled) ICT terminology translations Goal = reconcile two forces terminology from users quality of resulting language
11 Collective wisdom approach Community to create term translations Fruitful cooperation of linguists, knowledgeable users, translators, and professionals (engineers, academics) complementary skills, contexts, knowledge cf. COBUILD approach to capture language “as is” rather than “as should be”
12 Key community supporting features Dictionary searching browsing (letter, category, project, status) links Communication comments voting
13 Key professional support features Editorial board translation quality Translation projects isolation communication geographic distribution Live term contexts Google search several context categories
14 SPOT as corpus building tool Translation settling process user adds term user adds translation (with notes) registered users comment, vote editor decides correct vs deprecated translations Projects developing local corpus in isolation publishing for general availability
15 SPOT as dictionary and CAT Dictionary with added value good/bad translations, comments, explanations context … as compared to FOLDOC; slovnik.zcu.cz On-line CAT tool corpus sharing and updating, discussion draw from already existing translations … as compared to Google, reference.com, dictionary of math terminology, TU Brno
16 Conclusion ICT translations challenging even for skilled professionals SPOT: let translations become a shared work of the ICT “general public” Thank you