1http://ndar.nih.gov NDAR Data Dictionary | Data Structure Mapping NDAR Data Dictionary Data Structure Definition: Creating a Mapping File Create a mapping file if your local data structure has already been defined and published in the NDAR Data Dictionary. For help, contact
2http://ndar.nih.gov NDAR Data Dictionary | Data Structure Mapping Before we begin, let’s define some terms… Data Element – A “variable” or “field” with documented attributes that establish a consistent format for recording research data NDAR Data Dictionary – A compendium of data elements NDAR Data Structure – A group of data elements published by name in the NDAR Data Dictionary e.g., the ADI-R is published in the NDAR Data Dictionary as “Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised - (ADI-R) - (2003)” and contains 406 associated data elements Local Data Structure – A group of data elements defined at the research site
3http://ndar.nih.gov NDAR Data Dictionary | Data Structure Mapping Let’s start with a typical scenario… A small research team has been using the ADI-R for two years. The team records and maintains data in a spreadsheet for all of the 406 assessment items. As a data capture system, the spreadsheet meets the needs of this small team. They’ve never needed to develop a codebook, which would have required them to define and document the format and attributes for the research data. Eight new participants have consented to share data with NDAR. The data submission cycle is fast approaching. What does the research team do?
4http://ndar.nih.gov NDAR Data Dictionary | Data Structure Mapping What does the research team do? Create a mapping file to specify the relationship between their local data structure for the ADI-R and the NDAR data structure for the ADI-R. The mapping file provides a direct link from the local data element name to the NDAR data element name. This allows NDAR to understand that the two data elements are the same even though they may have different names. When the researchers submit their data, NDAR will use the value ranges that have already been defined in the NDAR data structure to validate their data. This process only needs to be completed one time.
5http://ndar.nih.gov NDAR Data Dictionary | Data Structure Mapping How do I create a mapping file? 1.Locate the desired NDAR data structure on the NDAR Web site. The NDAR Web site provides a current list of data structures published to the NDAR Data Dictionary. 2.View and download the list of data elements contained in the NDAR data structure. 3.Copy only the NDAR data element names and paste them into a new spreadsheet. 4.Enter each of your local data element names next to its corresponding NDAR data element name. 5.Save the mapping relationship to an XML file.
6http://ndar.nih.gov NDAR Data Dictionary | Data Structure Mapping Can you show me an example? In this example, we’ll generate a mapping file for 4 data elements contained in the NDAR ADI-R. These 4 data elements are required in every data submission to NDAR. Let’s begin.
7http://ndar.nih.gov NDAR Data Dictionary | Data Structure Mapping Example 1.Locate the desired NDAR data structure on the NDAR Web site. Go to Click on the “Tools” tab in the menu.
8 NDAR Data Dictionary | Data Structure Mapping Example 1.Locate the desired NDAR data structure on the NDAR Web site. Click on the “NDAR Data Structures” link.
9http://ndar.nih.gov NDAR Data Dictionary | Data Structure Mapping Example 2.View and download the list of data elements contained in the NDAR data structure. Click on the desired data structure (in our example, the ADI-R).
10http://ndar.nih.gov NDAR Data Dictionary | Data Structure Mapping Example 2.View and download the list of data elements contained in the NDAR data structure. Download the CSV file.
11http://ndar.nih.gov NDAR Data Dictionary | Data Structure Mapping 3.Copy only the NDAR data element names and paste them into a new spreadsheet. Example
12http://ndar.nih.gov NDAR Data Dictionary | Data Structure Mapping 4.Enter each of your local data element names next to its corresponding NDAR data element name. Example Your Local Data Structure ElementName NDAR Data Structure ElementName
13http://ndar.nih.gov NDAR Data Dictionary | Data Structure Mapping Example 5.Save the mapping relationship to an XML file. Ensure that the file follows this format:
14http://ndar.nih.gov NDAR Data Dictionary | Data Structure Mapping 5.Save the mapping relationship to an XML file Ensure that the file follows this format: Example How do I derive the map_structure name?
15http://ndar.nih.gov NDAR Data Dictionary | Data Structure Mapping 5.Save the mapping relationship to an XML file Ensure that the file follows this format. Use the NDAR Data Structure Short Name and Version. Example
16http://ndar.nih.gov NDAR Data Dictionary | Data Structure Mapping 5.Save the mapping relationship to an XML file. Find the Short Name and Version on the NDAR Web site. Example
17http://ndar.nih.gov NDAR Data Dictionary | Data Structure Mapping Questions & Answers What do I do with my completed XML mapping files? Send your mapping files to with a request to publish them to the NDAR Data What if I have multiple clinical assessments? Generate a mapping file for each clinical assessment. What if I can’t find a matching data structure in the NDAR Data Dictionary? Use the NDAR Data Structure Definition Template to define a data structure for your data submission.
18http://ndar.nih.gov NDAR Data Dictionary | Data Structure Mapping NDAR Technical Assistance Web site: http//:ndar.nih.govhttp//:ndar.nih.gov Standard Operating Procedures (Policy & Procedures page) Webinars (Training page) Online Tutorials (Training page, Spring 2010) Listservs: NDAR General: System enhancements, Web updates, training schedules, meetings and special events NDAR Data: Timely technical updates, system releases, new data structures, data management-related tools and trainings Demonstration Environment: Request an Account Practice setting up data structures and submitting test data