MEG-Review Feb. 20041 MEG Software Group MEG Software Status Framework for MC, Schedule, DC reconstruction update and Discussion on a ROOT-based offline.


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Presentation transcript:

MEG-Review Feb MEG Software Group MEG Software Status Framework for MC, Schedule, DC reconstruction update and Discussion on a ROOT-based offline

MEG-Review Feb Question from reviewer Give a common goal to be achieved by the next review; “I have appreciated the presentation of the offline software team, with a team leader etc... As promised I come forth with the question: could you give us -- and yourself -- a common goal to be achieved with that software in time for the next review?”

MEG-Review Feb Our goal was: MC unified framework –With double option: Tokyo or Pisa Large Prototype MC unification –CEX beam test –Same offline package for DATA & MC Event Display –Initially GEANT3

MEG-Review Feb MC Framework for MEG Unified framework with double option: –Tokyo or Pisa code. –Tree structure & skeleton, –Merged materials & tracking medium, –Stand alone & built-in event generator, –DC, TC, Magnet and B field are merged. Framework based on: –Fortran 77, –CERNLIB, –ZEBRA I/O, –GEANT3. Distributed via CVS.

MEG-Review Feb To be done: MEG MC I/O –ZEBRA structure … in progress –Digitization Liq. Xe –Geometry … in progress –Scintillation photon tracking … in progress Full reconstruction program Offline database… ODB? Separate database (e.g.PostgreSQL, MySQL, etc.)?

MEG-Review Feb Large Proto CEX beam test MC merge into the new framework … just finished. –Common output format for DATA/MC –Same offline package for DATA & MC –Scintillation photon tracking in Liq. Xe … Full ray tracing or analytical tracking –Rayleigh scattering/absorption in Liq. Xe –Reflection on the PMT quartz window … Fresnel or total reflection –Scintillation light spectrum … Monochromatic, Gaussian, Basov, etc.

MEG-Review Feb To be done: beam test NaI response simulation LiH target and Vessel simulation Phase space simulation for p 0 Offline database … ODB? Separate database (e.g. PostgreSQL, MySQL, etc.)?

MEG-Review Feb Schedule/man power By end of April 2004 –Liq. Xe geometry merging … S.Yamada/F.Cei –ZEBRA data structure … P.Cattaneo By end of June 2004 –MC output with Digitized waveform … XE: S.Yamada/F.Cei, DC: H.Nishiguchi, TC: P.Cattaneo Summer DC beam test will performed using unified MC

MEG-Review Feb DC reconstruction Track Dictionary –Efficiency –Resolution

MEG-Review Feb Hit pattern Single and unique string (i.e. a dictionary key) Average (over the set) track parameters The dictionary concept Several tracks with similar kinematics producing a single hit pattern

MEG-Review Feb Building the dictionary MC sample used to build the dictionary: –Positrons from Michel decay; –Unpolarized muons; –Generator level cuts: 0.08 < |cosθ| < 0.35; -60° < φ < 60°. No Tdrift used, No Z measurement used yet.

MEG-Review Feb The population of the patterns is not uniform: 40% has 1 entry 43% has 2 ÷ 10 entries 13% has 11 ÷ 50 entries 4% more than 50 entries Number of events in a dictionary record generated events  patterns; efficiency = 95%

MEG-Review Feb Momentum components in the dictionary Event by event distributions Average in each Dictionary record Track first turn has hits in at least three sectors Px / MeV Py / MeV Pz / MeV LEFTRIGHT A Hit pattern cannot tell the sign of P Z

14 p MC - σ Generate a sample of independent events For tracks in the dictionary acceptance (Nsectors > 2) find the dictionary key compare; Px with (key); normalize to RMS vertex X vertex Y vertex Z Px Py Pz Dictionary “resolution”

MEG-Review Feb To be done: dictionary Optimize stats. given by 1 – eff. ~ and by looking at RMS vs. stats. (intrinsic resolution of method); Add noise hits; Add inefficiency of Drift Chamber; Add drift time; Superimpose tracks.

MEG-Review Feb Discussion on a ROOT-based offline system Fully OO framework, including: –all needed functionality present (from data taking to final plots, geometry package with integrated event display) –transparent LAN, WAN and HPSS support –parallel computation (PROOF) –interface to SQL/RDBMS –interface to GEANT3 with migration tools Extensive CERN support ROOT I/O exceeds MEG requirement (raw data throughput: ~3.5MB/s) –Max ROOT I/O throughput: ~51MB/s(from FNAL test) Scalable to cope with trigger rate uncertainties

17 MONARC for computing & data model A central site, Tier-0 –Prompt calibration, reconstruction and run info Regional centers, Tier-1/2 –Reprocessing –MC production –Mirror locally the reconstructed objects Tier-3/4 centers –Analysis Offline system reads raw data streams via rootd and tree output streams: –Raw event database (to HPSS) –Tag database (on disk) –Run Catalog database (on RDBMS)

18 The Run Manager and the VMC MEG offline main program run management interface classes detector base classes data structure base classes Detectors DCHTOF EMC STEER PYTHIA6 Geant3 MICROCERN Geant4 ROOT HIJING…EVGEN Geant3 VMC Geant4 VMC External packages VMC