Connotation and Denotation
Definitions Denotation:Connotation: The dictionary and literal meaning of a word. The emotional or feeling behind the word. Example: Home, Dwelling, and Residence Where a person lives at a given time. Dictionary Definition Home: Cozy, loving, comfortable Dwelling: Primitive or basic surroundings Residence: Cold, no feeling Emotional Tone of the Word
More Examples… Child:Building: Dictionary Definition- A young person; a person between birth and adulthood. Positive Connotation: Kid, Little one Negative Connotation: Brat, delinquent The definition is always the same, but the connotation always vary!!!! Dictionary Definition- a relatively permanent enclosed construction over a plot of land. Positive Connotation: Structure, architecture Negative Connotation: Pile, edifice
More Examples Difficult:Meticulous: Positive Connotation: Challenge, test Negative Connotation: Difficult, complicated Positive Connotation: Meticulous, careful Negative Connotation: Nit-picky, fussy There are times when the word itself can be a negative or positive connotation. To be sure, you need to know what the other words mean AKA looking the definition up.
Your turn!!!!! What is the negative connotation for canine? Let’s do 1 more… This one is tricky… A.Mongrel B.Canine C.Dog What is the positive connotation for flower? A. Blossom B. Plant C. Flower
Your turn!!! What is the most negative connotation for braggart? A. Opinionated B. Boaster C. Braggart D. Narcissist