World Book Online an introduction to its core products
Overview Most appropriate contentMost appropriate content Easiest to learn and useEasiest to learn and use Fewest technical problemsFewest technical problems Best reference product to serve the research needs of studentsBest reference product to serve the research needs of students Best reputation for serving school marketsBest reputation for serving school markets
World Book Online Core Products Early World of LearningKey Stage 1 World Book KidsKey Stage 2-3 Enciclopedia Estudantil Key Stage 2-3 Hallazgos World Book StudentKey Stage 3-4 World Book Advanced/ AcademicKey Stage 4-5 World Book DiscoverKey Stage 3-5 (for students whose reading is below grade)
World Book Kids Designed to give younger students a rewarding online experience
World Book Kids Thousands of easy-to-read articlesThousands of easy-to-read articles Engaging images and illustrationsEngaging images and illustrations Interactive games and activitiesInteractive games and activities Correlations to state and provincial curriculum standardsCorrelations to state and provincial curriculum standards Teacher resourcesTeacher resources
World Book Kids Classroom testedClassroom tested Simple navigationSimple navigation Articles written especially for younger studentsArticles written especially for younger students
World Book Kids Wealth of fun activities to keep students engaged in learning Games & ActivitiesGames & Activities Compare PlacesCompare Places World of AnimalsWorld of Animals
World Book Kids Other features: DictionaryDictionary Important PeopleImportant People Maps and MoreMaps and More Science ProjectsScience Projects
World Book Student This comprehensive site includes all the articles from the 22-volume print set, plus thousands more.
World Book Student More than 40,000 encyclopedia and reference articlesMore than 40,000 encyclopedia and reference articles World Book Biography Center, with more than 10,000 biographiesWorld Book Biography Center, with more than 10,000 biographies Rich multimedia – audios, videos, and animationsRich multimedia – audios, videos, and animations Historical featuresHistorical features Extensive dictionary and atlasExtensive dictionary and atlas Correlations to state and provincial curriculum and achievement standardsCorrelations to state and provincial curriculum and achievement standards Educator toolsEducator tools Student activitiesStudent activities
World Book Student Integrated search allows easy access for researching content and multimedia for studentsIntegrated search allows easy access for researching content and multimedia for students High-interest, content to captivateHigh-interest, content to captivate
World Book Student Highlights: Back in TimeBack in Time Biography CenterBiography Center Behind the HeadlinesBehind the Headlines Dictionary/AtlasDictionary/Atlas Resource GuidesResource Guides Surf the AgesSurf the Ages What’s New sectionWhat’s New section
World Book Student Research Tools: Citation BuilderCitation Builder How to Do ResearchHow to Do Research My ResearchMy Research TimelinesTimelines
World Book Advanced A powerful reference tool that includes encyclopedic, multimedia, e-book, and primary source databases, fully integrated in a single search.
World Book Advanced Tailored for the needs and skills of students in grades 8 and up Customizable interface, a streamlined design, and personalized homepage content features Optimized search results Research tools including dictionary, atlas, and local and country research guides Individual accounts within the site offer users the ability to create and save their own content features
World Book Advanced One single search generates: A vast collection of primary source documents and full-text e-books More than 25,000 encyclopedia articles More than 10,000 sounds and pronunciations Thousands of images Correlated to state or provincial content standards Thousands of editor-selected Web sites Thousands of periodical articles Atlas and Dictionary databases
World Book Advanced Primary Source Teaching with Documents E-Books
World Book Advanced Timelines: Create your own Choose a World Book prepared timeline Edit, Print, Save to “My Research”
World Book Discover An engaging reference resource for students reading below grade level because of language or learning difficulties.
World Book Discover Uncluttered interface, easy-to-understand content, and useful activities Automated translations into 30 languages Text-to-speech feature Timeline and citation builders Individual research accounts Life skills section to help students negotiate financial, health, and housing issues World Book Explains videos Correlations to state and provincial curriculum and achievement standards
World Book Discover Comprehension QuestionsComprehension Questions Read-aloudRead-aloud feature feature Translate textTranslate text Tool BoxTool Box
World Book Discover World Book Explains Categorized list of videosCategorized list of videos Questions answered by experts on all topicsQuestions answered by experts on all topics
World Book Discover Life Skills How to Do Research Dictionary Visual Dictionary Timelines
Enciclopedia Estudantil Hallazgos Newly redesigned Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos is the optimal beginner’s Spanish language reference tool.
Enciclopedia Estudantil Hallazgos Dozens of hands-on activitiesDozens of hands-on activities World of Animals featureWorld of Animals feature Spanish visual dictionarySpanish visual dictionary Bilingual features allow users to switch between Spanish and English contentBilingual features allow users to switch between Spanish and English content Newspapers from the Spanish-speaking worldNewspapers from the Spanish-speaking world
The World Book Online Core Products: