Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys Data Processing Workshop CSPro Overview MICS Data Processing Workshop
What is ? Comprehensive Data Processing Package For Data entry and Verification Consistency checking and editing Tabulation (though MICS will use SPSS) Exporting Menu creation Most any other data processing task
CSPro Applications Data entry (.ent) allows entry of questionnaire data controls the path through the questionnaire ensures that keyed data is valid and consistent Batch (.bch) count cases in a data file make imputations for missing data perform consistency checks export dictionary and data to other packages
CSPro Tools Comparison (.cmp) compares two files and lists differences comparison is used for verifying the accuracy of the main and verification entry files
are stored in ASCII format CSPro Components Dictionaries (.dcf) Forms (.fmf) or Order (.ord) files Logic files (.app) Message files (.mgf) Data files ALL CSPro components are stored in ASCII format
Dictionaries (.dcf) Defines how the information from the questionnaire is stored in the data file Unique identifiers Identification variables Questionnaires Levels Modules Records Questions Variables
Forms (.fmf) Are linked to a specific dictionary Belong to data entry applications Can be modified during the design process Present data entry screens approximating the questionnaire They define which variables are entered the order in which variables are entered
Order (.ord) Are linked to a specific dictionary Belong to batch applications Similar to the form file, they control which variables are edited the order in which variables are edited
Logic Files (.app) Perform actions Can be used in entry or batch applications Can be empty—CSPro does not require you to write logic for an application Can be viewed as a whole (the file) or in pieces (a form or a variable)
Message Files (.mgf) A single place to collect all error, warning, or notification messages Is an easy way to debug/develop applications—write messages once, then share them with your other applications
Application File Summary Data Entry Apps (.ent) Batch Apps (.bch) .app .dcf (1+) .mgf .fmf .ord
Opening CSPro Double-click on: CSPro icon or a dictionary (.dcf) an application (.ent or .bch)
An Example of a Dictionary Let’s launch CSPro using the desktop icon Select file open (or press <ctrl+O>) Navigate to the “c:\mics5\cspro\dicts” folder Open the MICS5 dictionary (MICS5.dcf)
CSPro screen layout Toolbar Tree on left, Work area on right Position in tree controls work area Tabs on bottom Files tab Dicts (dictionary) tab To view record and item layout, press <ctrl+L>
The Dictionary Tree MICS5 is the internal dictionary name Press <ctrl+T> to toggle between names and labels HH and WMCH are dictionary levels Level 1 (HH QRE) vs. Level 2 (Individual QRE) _IDS0 and _IDS1 are identification records MODHH and MODED are ordinary records
The HH Level Select HH Displays records contained within this level by: Label Name Type value (ID) Required Max
The _IDS0 Record Select _IDS0 Displays ID variables contained within this level by: label and name start position and length data and item type occurrences decimals and decimal character zero fill
The MODHH Record Select MODHH Displays variables contained within this record In the right panel, double-click on any item (e.g., Area/HH6) to display its value labels Notice the tree expanded for record MODHH
The MODED Record MODED stores the information from the education questionnaire The MODED record is a repeating record each household can have many household members one record per household member in our example, the maximum is 50 (how do we know there are 50 occurrences?)
Dictionary Items A value set defines the allowable range Select HL1—what is the valid range? In addition, labels can be defined to the ranges—select HL3 Both can be used to define valid responses for a dictionary item—select HL6
Adding and Deleting Elements Right-click on the record MODHH Displays options Modify the record <ctrl+M> Add a record <ctrl+A> Insert a record <Ins> Delete a record <Del> Add item (i.e., variable) to this record Right-click on any element to get a similar menu
An Example of a Data Entry App Select file close (don’t save any changes you might have made in the dictionary!) Select file open (or <ctrl+O>) Navigate to the “c:\mics5\cspro\entry” folder Open the data entry application (entry.ent)
The Entry (Form) Screen FL_ENTRY is the form file HH is a dictionary level FormHH is a form for the variables in record ModHH FormHL is a form for the variables in record ModHL
FORMHC Click once on FORMHC to display it Click once on a label or entry box on the form Now hold the <Shift> key down and select a label or box move it around right-click and selected properties choose protected Look at the form tree in left pane Determines entry order—always ensure tree order matches form order Grayed variables on form but not entered
Files/Dicts/Forms Tabs On bottom left pane, click once on files tab lists files associated with the entry app (press <ctrl+T> to view file name/location vs. file type) Click once on Dicts tab displays the dictionary we saw earlier Click once on Forms tab displays the forms we just reviewed
Recreating FORMHH Select the FormHH in the form tree select all items on the form and press delete Click once on dicts tab Drag MODHH onto the form and release Select options and then press ok Rearrange fields and text Use “Align” menu item
Adding the ID Items Drag _IDS0 onto the form and release (pay attention to the cursor position when you do this) Select options and then press ok Rearrange items as necessary Move down through the FormHH items and compare it to the form’s layout—notice any problems? Close form file and do NOT save changes!
The Logic Screen Click once on the Forms tab Notice that FormCD has a blue check over the yellow box indicates the presence of logic To view logic, click once on the logic button found on the toolbar, or press <ctrl+L> Click on a “checked” tree item to view its logic Press <ctrl+M> to return to the form view (or can also press the button)
Compiling Your Logic Choose an item that contains logic; to compile, click once on the compile button found on the toolbar, or press <ctrl+K> compiles logic for current procedure bottom right pane shows outcome (“Compile Successful” or else shows errors found) select FL_ENTRY to compile entire application
The Message File (.mgf), revisited User-defined messages are stored in a separate file from the form or logic files Its name is created by appending “mgf” to the application name (i.e., MyEntryApp.mgf) To view messages, switch to logic view (click on the logic button or press <ctrl+L>), then click on the “message” tab in the bottom right pane (next to the “Compiler Output” tab)
Getting Help in Press the F1 key Click on the Help menu item The help system includes the syntax for all commands and statements in CSPro