Accommodations & Guided Supports for ELLs
P01 and P02
P26 P26 Have directions, passage and prompt read aloud (Allowed for WESTEST 2 Online Writing and NAEP Writing) This is the only read aloud option for this test. P02 is not a universal read aloud code for Online Writing.
All available WESTEST 2 Accommodation Codes P01 Use text to speech, excluding ELA reading passages –embedded (provided online) WESTEST 2 a recorded voice the student will need headphones P02Have test read aloud -WESTEST 2 may be administered individually by a trained examiner. P15Have directions only read aloud –Provided by a human only unless P01 P18Have directions rephrased by trained examiner P23Use a magnifying device to enlarge assessment material P24Use electronic translator or sign-dictionary to present test P25Use electronic translator or sign dictionary to present directions only P26 Have directions, passage and prompt read aloud P27Use approved bilingual word to word dictionary
WESTEST 2 Codes (continued) R02Indicate responses to a scribe (multiple-choice) R04Indicate responses to a scribe (constructed, extended and gridded response) R15Use a bilingual word to word dictionary T03Take more breaks (no studying) T04Use extra time for any timed test (extended time)(NAEP, ACT Explore and Plan are timed) T07Flexible scheduling, same day
SBAC Accommodations
Crosswalk old accommodations and new accommodations
Translation ELA – English (default) Students can open a glossary to view terms presented on the test that may be unfamiliar to them. By design, all students can access the English glossary word list as a universal tool, unless this is disabled (“None”) or overridden by another language. – None (no glossary) MATH – If a combination glossary is selected (e.g., English and Arabic or English and Russian), then the student will have access to both. – If a single glossary is selected (e.g., Mandarin), then the student will only have access to that glossary. The English glossary will not be available.
Translation (Glossary):Math
Your County
Resources Make good decisions about who should be receive accommodations Participation GuidelinesParticipation Guidelines OAA File Cabinet-Accommodations folderAccommodations folder Accommodations checklists Smarter Balanced Accommodations Guidelines Smarter Balanced Accommodations Guidelines Smarter Balanced Practice Tests
Accommodations Advisory Work Plan Topic:Common Definition Opportunities/ Considerations -Consistent criteria for identification (HLS) in the state -Consistent criteria for identification across assessment consortia (ELPA 21, PARC, Smarter Balanced, etc….) Challenges-Change existing framework -States agreeing to common definition and exit criteria Actions-Develop a common set of HLS questions -Clarify exit criteria in Policy Provide training for both county and teacher level Fall 2015 Dates- HLS- Meeting July 9 - Policy Fall 2015
Accommodations Advisory Work Plan Topic:ELPA21 and New Standards Opportunities/ Considerations -What accommodations/supports will be identified to be offered to students (braille, large print, contrast, white noise, etc..)? Challenges-Do the accommodations change the construct of the ELP assessment? -Consistency across the states. Actions-Change accommodations provided to ELLs - Prepare for the field test for ELPA 21 and meet when the PG for ELPA 21 is completed. Dates-Fall 2014
Accommodations Advisory Work Plan Topic:Electronic Translators Opportunities/ Considerations -Students do not value electronic translators or word-to-word dictionaries in instruction or assessment. Rather students utilize IPADs and apps for translation purposes. -Smarter Balanced has contextualized translation supports for specified languages only. -Will we extend translation opportunities for non-Smarter Balanced assessments? Challenges-Apps and IPADS are not allowed in the testing environment. Instructional practice does not match assessment. -Discriminatory to languages for which supports are not provided -Discrepancy among allowances between assessments. Actions-Trained examiners to monitor the use of apps during the testing. -Advocate for additional supports outside of what has been developed. Dates-TBD with Office of Research
Accommodations Advisory Work Plan Topic:Word-to-Word Dictionary Approval Opportunities/ Considerations -Updating current list -Communicating list and appropriate use Challenges- Utilization for specific assessments Actions-Convene group to review current list and identify additional dictionaries and develop criteria -Disseminate list Dates-Fall 2014
Accommodations Advisory Work Plan Topic:Data Entry Issues Opportunities/ Considerations -Refine existing LEP accommodation sections on the LEP WVEIS tab for consistency. Forms need updated and possible programming if we move to a common application. -Develop comprehensive guidance regarding allowances for specific assessments and clarifying intent/purpose of each accommodation Challenges-Reliability of current LEP sections -Developing consistency Actions-Updated Reference form for ELLs -Participation Form – Update and provide definitions of each accommodation and discuss compatibility Online Form and a copy to see in the PG -Revise online LEP form and ensure that accommodations carry over for testing. -Develop hover in the application that includes a language definition of accommodations that identify exclusions and allowances/applicability for specific assessment. Dates-Fall 2014