Arkansas PARCC English Learner Accommodations & Accessibility Features Beginning Academic Year Created: 9/22/14 - Revised: 12/22/14
Accommodations vs. Accessibility Features 0 ACCOMMODATIONS = intended to reduce or even eliminate the effects of a student’s disability and/or English language proficiency level. The accommodations provided to a student on the PARCC assessments must be generally consistent with those provided for classroom instruction and classroom assessments. 0 These DO NOT reduce learning expectations. 0 These should be based upon individual student needs. 0 These should be based upon documented needs in instruction/assessment settings. 0 Documentation should be in an IEP, 504, or LPAC 0 exception – ELA Text-to-Speech accommodation should not appear in an LPAC because it is not an allowable language accommodation. 0 See the following PARCC Accessibility Features and Accommodations Manual (beginning p. 36) for ELs: 0 accommodations-manual-11-14_final.pdf accommodations-manual-11-14_final.pdf Created: Fall 2014
Accommodations vs. Accessibility Features (cont.) 0 ACCESSIBILITY FEATURES = tools or preferences that are either built into the assessment system or provided externally by test administrators. 0 These are available to ALL students; some of the features need to be activated by being documented in a Personal Needs Profile (PNP) before the PARCC assessment. 0 See the link below to determine which features need activation via a PNP. 0 Based upon individual student needs. 0 Based upon documented needs in instruction/assessment settings. 0 See the following PARCC Accessibility Features and Accommodations Manual (beginning p. 36) for ELs: PDF Version of Manual Created: Fall 2014
Extended Time 0 The student uses “extended time” to complete testing. A maximum of up to one school day is allowed to complete one test unit during the prescribed testing window. Students who use this accommodation must be given a quiet location in which to test. Please refer to the Test Administration Manual for additional information. Created: Fall 2014
General administration directions clarified in student’s native language 0 This is new for the PARCC operational test this year. 0 The native language accommodation is OPTIONAL. 0 If an LEA does not have the capacity to offer it, then they might decide to forego it; this is NOT a REQUIRED accommodation. 0 This is ONLY for what appears in the Testing Administration Manual. Nothing included on the students’ tests may be interpreted into their native languages or answered in their native languages. 0 The test administrator MUST be a certified teacher. 0 If an interpreter is used other than the test administrator, he/she MUST be a certified teacher, also. 0 PDF Version of Manual PDF Version of Manual Created: Fall 2014
General administration directions read aloud and repeated in student’s native language 0 This is new for the Arkansas operational test this year. 0 The native language accommodation is OPTIONAL, and that if an LEA does not have the capacity to offer it, then they might decide to forego it; this is NOT a REQUIRED accommodation. 0 This is ONLY for what appears in the Testing Administration Manual. Nothing included on the students’ tests may be interpreted into their native languages or answered in their native languages. 0 The test administrator MUST be a certified teacher. 0 If an interpreter is used other than the test administrator, he/she MUST be a certified teacher, also. 0 PDF Version of Manual PDF Version of Manual Created: Fall 2014
Scribe or Speech-to-Text 0 Student dictates responses in English to Mathematics test items either to a human scribe or through speech-to- text technology. Students must be tested in a separate setting. Created: Fall 2014
Text-to-Speech (Read Aloud) 0 Text-to-Speech is an ACCESSIBILITY FEATURE in math only & needs to be in a Personal Needs Profile (PNP) to be turned on for the PARCC assessment. 0 Text-to-Speech is an ACCOMMODATION in ELA only & MUST be documented in an IEP and 504, NOT in an LPAC – this is meant for a very small percentage of the population. 0 PARCC has provided a planning form for Text-to-Speech (Appendix D). Link to Form Created: Fall 2014
Word-to-Word Dictionary 0 English/native language. 0 Students use a bilingual, word-to-word dictionary, or electronic translator. 0 Dictionaries that include definitions are NOT allowed. 0 The following link will be helpful with PARCC- authorized bilingual dictionaries: gual_dictionary.pdf gual_dictionary.pdf Created: Fall 2014