2 How OECD works Governing Council of 30 countries 230 OECD Committees and subsidiary bodies 230 OECD Committees and subsidiary bodies OECD Secretariat (in 16 Directorates) OECD Secretariat (in 16 Directorates)
OBJECTIVES OF OECD Promote sustainable economic growth, financial stability and structural adjustment Provide employment opportunities for all, improve human capital and social cohesion and promote a sustainable environment Contribute to the shaping of globalisation for the benefit of all through the expansion of trade and investment Enhance public and private sector governance Contribute to the development of non-member economies
4 Role of statistics Statistics are an important part of OECD work – input to policy formulation discussions – dissemination in own right to governments around globe OECD has one of the world’s largest and most reliable sources of comparable statistical data - provided by Member countries and selected non- member economies
5 SOCIAL INDICATORS USED BY THE OECD OECD DATABASES Economic Statistics nat. accounts trade industry services prices energy Social statistics labour market education health environment demography housing OECD objectives Economic growth Employment opportunities Shaping of globalisation Governance Development of NMEs
6 SOCIAL INDICATORS USED BY THE OECD Attempt to shed light on: How far Member countries have progressed in terms of social development – social status Extent to which progress is result of deliberate policy actions by government or other social institutions – societal response.
7 SOCIAL INDICATORS USED BY THE OECD Context for social policy Normally not direct targets for social policy and includes indicators of population structure, key per capita indicators Self-sufficiencyEmployment, unemployment, jobless households, educational attainment, age at retirement, out of work benefits EquityIncome inequality, child poverty, public social spending, private social spending, current old- age pension, income of older people HealthLife expectancy, health adjusted life expectancy, infant mortality, total health care expenditure, long-term care. Social cohesionSubjective well-being, social isolation, group membership, teenage births, drug use and related deaths, suicides
8 SOCIAL INDICATORS USED BY THE OECD OECD objectives Economic growth Employment opportunities Shaping of globalisation Governance Development of NMEs Horizontal analyses Employment Outlook Economic Outlook Country surveys Society at a Glance Horizontal analyses Employment Outlook Economic Outlook Country surveys Society at a Glance Specific analyses Education at a Glance Health at a Glance Social Expenditures Specific analyses Education at a Glance Health at a Glance Social Expenditures
9 SOCIAL INDICATORS USED BY THE OECD Complete listing provided OECD Society at a Glance Also at:
10 STATISTICS COLLECTED AND PUBLISHED BY THE OECD Summary OECD Statistical Programme of Work: 2005 Available at:
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