Content: Using and sharing copyright material is a complicated issue hopefully these basic points will clarify how to properly use it. What is copyright? Who carries the right to the material? Why this applies to me as a student. So because its so easily accessible you mean it’s not fair game? How to avoid a court appearance. Sharing Material Conclusion
What is copyright? the legal right to be the only one to reproduce, publish, and sell a book, musical recording, etc., for a certain period of time. webster.com/dictionary/copyright
Who carries the right to the material? Authors of articles Website designer/s Illustrator/Artist Photographer Scholars
Why this applies to me as a student. As students you should be aware of the resources your professor is using and whether or not it would pass the Four-Use Test. Students should expect their teachers to provide on- going quality lessons and while information will be pulled from other publishers, scholars and articles its important to understand the limits. While completing coursework its also essential that students know how much they are allowed to use from websites, textbooks an other resources they use for their assignments.
So because its so easily accessible you mean it’s not fair game? The internet has changed the way students get information. As students you need to ensure the information your using is acceptable and leaves no doubt of breaking copyright law. Always check with experts if you have any questions about using certain work. Tip: As college students the majority of information for citing information should be peer-reviewed articles which are okay to use.
How to avoid a court appearance. If your not sure about certain work your using, always check with the author, publisher, artist or creator of the work. Its always better to be sure then to get put in an unwanted position. Use the Fair-Use Test as a guide but understand that there can be other factors and every situation can be different. Example: Don’t distribute copyrighted material (such as a chapter from a textbook you your collueges). This is illegal because you are limiting the authors potential to sell and make a profit.
Sharing Material Just because copy machines are so easily accessible it doesn’t mean anything should be copied without careful consideration. Only share material if your sure its appropriate and no infringement is being committed. Always feel confident that the material you are using or sharing with others is in the best interest in all involved and in no way affecting the creator of the work.
Conclusion Copyright law is not clear and in a state of change. Therefore its always better to not use material if you feel there is any chance you can be breaking copyright law. If you feel certain what you are using is acceptable then always reference your work and feel confident about your work as well.