1 Stony Brook Update Further Progress T.K. Hemmick for the Tent Crew
2 Glovebox Glovebox at 9 ppm water. All GEMs installed and Cube installed. No GEM losses. East must wait for LEGs to be ready. –LEGS is needed for leak fixes.
3 Leak Progress Finally! The new He-base leak sniffer is very sensitive. Three Leak sources found: 1.Leak at Window corner. 2.A few leaks at HV feedthroughs. 3.Some leaks at “stands:
4 The window diagnostic Window leak visible by inspection. O-ring left imprint in window. Gap in imprint at place where sniffer found leak. Leak Point When window was replaced, the frame on the detector was (apparently) swaped for the spare. Spare frame is a very tight fit (friction fit) since the one actually used was clearly machined down to fit. We’ll replace proper one.
5 Odd Window Appearance There is a discoloration of the inside of the window near the O-ring. The discoloration cleans off with alcohol. No grease was on O-ring…odd.
6 Leak Test after Window Replace No change is leak down rate after window replace. Looks worse if anything? Need to recheck quality of new seal…
7 HV Leaks These leaks are confined to the electrical feeds (not mechanical, not plumbing). The seals in this case are epoxy. Add new layer inside to fix these. Add Epoxy Here
8 “Standoff” Leaks Leak is seen at outer standoff. True seal is the inner standoff Question: Can we open a small hold in the outer FR4 skin so as to apply additional epoxy to inner threaded block?