10 July Yohkoh Galileo: To Infinity! … and Beyond! Lockheed Martin’s Role in the Yohkoh Galileo Project 10 July 2002
2 Introduction Purpose of the Yohkoh Galileo Project: “The Yohkoh Galileo project will complete higher-level data preparations and will archive the required calibration and technical information necessary for the extended use of the archive by scientists now and in the future.”
10 July Lockheed Martin Tasks Production of Level 0 data products –Retains original Yohkoh (Mons Morrison) format –Final delivery to SDAC (GSFC) Publication of Level 1 data products Publication of Level 2 data products Publication of additional (Level 2+) products Production of final calibration data products
10 July Definition of Data Products Level 0 Data (original format) Level 1 Data: –FITS format - Maintain compatibility with latest FITS header definitions –FFI set - Uncompressed, despiked, dark subtracted, leak subtracted (but not spatially coaligned) –PFI (OR) set - Uncompressed, despiked, dark subtracted, leak subtracted and assembled
10 July Definition of Data Products (continued) Level 2 Data (SXT): –Desaturated (composited) –SSC (SXT Science Composite set): Uncompressed –SSS (Full disk movie version) Replaces SFDs Logarithmic compression and intensity normalized Coaligned
10 July Definition of Data Products (continued) Level 2+ Data (SXT): –Descattering of SSC and SSS sets –Synoptic maps, coronal hole maps, active region catalog, flare catalog –Mission light curve data
10 July Notes on FITS Definition Final generation of FITS format Format to be compatible with all standard fits headers available at that time (e.g., include observer position information) –Header content under review –Separate revision control for format and content –Files will contain only one solar image per file
10 July Notes on FITS Content Content definition of the SXT FITS header: –Will be led by Freeland with input from others. –Expect first draft of header to be released August 1. –Comments will be solicited. We strongly urge the other instrument teams to adopt a similar standard. –Expect the final version of the header to be released October 1.
10 July Notes on FITS Definition Open issues concerning FITS definition: –Make use of binary extensions features or avoid? –How to include history information? (Probably standardize a format using the comment field) –How to handle uncertainties Separate archives or files (provides format longevity)? or Two images per file (minimizes overhead)?
10 July Notes on FITS Definition Data format and content should be compatible with VSO/EGSO standards SXT calibration data and certain generic data (e.g., ATT, FEM, etc) will be archived in FITS format
10 July Status of Level 0 Tasks Delivery of reformatted raw data (Level 0) to the SDAC: –On schedule for completion by July 31, 2002.
10 July Status of Level 1 Tasks: Leak subtraction software: –This is the major open calibration task. –Current algorithm (Metcalf/Acton) uses a two step correction procedure: Subtraction of interpolated leak images Removal of any residual component that remains correlated with the interpolated leak image.
10 July Status of Level 1 Tasks: Leak subtraction algorithms (continued ): –Leak subtraction is handled separately for each ‘epoch’ of the mission (each epoch is defined to be the period between two successive SXT entrance filter failures) –Within each epoch there must be a sufficient set of valid terminator (leak) images for leak image interpolation –Currently, there are two short (~2 month) epoches in 1999 for which leak image sampling was insufficient to allow leak image interpolation. The leak image algorithms for these periods have yet to be developed.
10 July Status of Level 2 Tasks: Software is ready Major outstanding task is ATT finalization
10 July Status of Level 2+ Tasks: Descatter - MSU Synoptic map - Slater –75% complete; expect 100% by 1 Oct 2002 Catalogs - In progress
10 July Status of Calibration Tasks: Final calibration tasks: –Dark Subtraction algorithms: Completed. –Composite image generation techniques: Completed (three exposure composites now incorporated). SSC/SSS generation pipeline: –In place and in use. –Currently implementing distributed processing (GLOBUS) on ISAS and LMSAL computers.
10 July SXT data production pipeline Data products beyond level 0 are in some cases interdependent. However, some of the calibration products (ATT, leak subtraction) are currently open-ended. Therefore, it is important to have data ‘pipelines’ set up for regenerating various data products multiple times over the course of the Galileo project
10 July SXT data production pipeline We propose to establish a ‘cycling’ queue for each data product (e.g., SSC set) which will run automatically as updates to software or calibration sets become available In this way we can be assured that when the project nears completion we will not be caught without adequate to complete all data products
10 July SXT data production pipeline As part of the pipeline, we are devloping a GLOBUS system on the ISAS/LMSAL/MSU? Computers, to decrease the turn around times for data product versions
10 July Additional Lockheed tasks Update SXT emissivity software to incorporate new abundance and ionization data (with application to SXT temperature and emission measure calculations: sxt_teem) GOES-12 SXI /SXT cross calibration Yohkoh scientific campaign catalog Improvement of user interface to SXT data (including full mission ‘events’ access)
10 July Additional Lockheed tasks Improvement of ATT (spacecraft pointing) database SXT uncertainties –Generate for FFI –Seek to preserve photon statistics through the calibration process Radiation Belt Monitor (RBM) Level-1 generation Combined SXT/HXT/BCS flare catalog
10 July Timeline Level 0complete by 31-Jul-02 Level 1ongoing Level 2ongoing Level 2+ongoing
10 July LMSAL team: Primary –S. Freeland, T. Metcalf, N. Nitta, G. Slater Supporting –D. Alexander, M. Aschwanden, F. Friedlaender, J. Lemen, P. Shirts Transitional –J. Bartus, H. Hudson, A. Takeda