Citizens comments are included on each regular monthly meeting agenda. No prior appointment is necessary to speak during the citizen comments times. To speak on a particular agenda item, advise the attendant at the door. To place an item on the Board's agenda, please notify the County Administrator's Office at least ten days prior to the Board meeting. Any citizen concern can be communicated to the County Administrator by calling from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. weekdays. All citizen complaints are recorded and responded to as soon as possible. WHEN SPEAKING BEFORE THE BOARD, PLEASE COME TO THE PODIUM AND GIVE YOUR NAME.
BOARD AGENDA Regular Meeting PULASKI COUNTY June 8, 2010 PUBLIC SERVICE AUTHORITY 9:00 a.m. ITEM 1.Citizen Comments
2.Finance a.Follow-up from May Board Meeting 1.Update on Payment of Streetlights in Industrial Park 2.Report on Drop Site Tonnage 3.Agreement for Operation and Maintenance of PC Sewerage Authority 4.Report on Large Account Balances – User & Non User Accounts
b.Review of Financial Report c.Balance Due & Lien Report d.Budget Adjustments e.Billing Adjustments f.Accounts Payable g Budget h.OSHA Review i.Pepper’s Ferry Rebate for April Billing j.New Holston River Quarry Entrance k.Reimbursement to the Town of Dublin for Customer Notices l.Refund to Calfee, Inc.
3.Operations a.Minutes of Previous Meeting b.Inmate Availability Report c.Special Pick-up Report d.Drop Site Total & County Landfill Tonnage Report e.Personnel Changes fProgress Reports – Water and Sewer Utilities g.Meeting Time h.Leak Adjustment Policy - Larry Dowdy Account i.Town of Dublin Water Usage
4.Current Authorized Projects (Staff “to do” list) a.Construction of water and sewer service to mobile home parks b.Construction of Rolling Hills, Orchard Hills, Vista, and Highland Park sewer c.Skyview/NRV Fairgrounds sewer engineering and environmental reports d.Commerce Park Utility engineering, easement acquisition and construction e.Evaluation of “radio read” water meter option f.Lakewood Estates emergency management plan g.Drop Center location serving South side of Claytor Lake h.Evaluation of joint negotiation of rail crossing fees
5.Other Matters 6.Adjournment
1.Citizen Comments – We have not received any requests from citizens to be placed on the agenda.
2.Finance - (Items having significant financial impact on the Authority)
a.Follow-up from May Board Meeting: 1.Update on Payment of Streetlights in Industrial Park – We have reviewed the listing of streetlights in the Industrial Park and the PSA office has verified the IDA is being charged the appropriate fees. 2.Report on Drop Site Tonnage – Ronnie Nichols has prepared a report on the drop site costs. 3.Agreement for Operation and Maintenance of PC Sewerage Authority - Ronnie Coake has provided a draft agreement for the Board’s consideration. 4.Report on Large Account Balances – User & Non User Accounts – I plan to have a report for the Board at the meeting.
b.Review of Financial Report - A copy of the revenues and expenditures summaries will be distributed at the Board meeting. c.Balance Due & Lien Report – The following balance and lien reports are submitted for the Board’s review:
d.Budget Adjustments – Copies of any budget adjustments will be presented at the meeting. e.Billing Adjustments - Adjustments totaling $6,974.39cr. are submitted for the Board’s review and approval. f.Accounts Payable - Review and approval of the accounts payable is requested. g Budget – Board members have been presented a copy of the proposed budget as recommended for adoption by the PSA Board.
h.OSHA Review – The County has had two OSHA citations over the past month in a department unrelated to the PSA. While both have been easily corrected and did not involve any financial penalties, I would like to suggest undertaking a comprehensive OSHA review of both County and PSA employment and operational practices. One of the terms of participating in an OSHA review is that recommended findings must mandatorily be implemented. Realizing that this approach may cost the PSA and County, I am asking the PSA Board’s guidance regarding this approach based on my perception of exposure in providing curbside refuse services.
i.Pepper’s Ferry Rebate for April Billing – Discounted sewer charges from the Pepper’s Ferry Authority total $49, as of April 30th.
j.New Holston River Quarry Entrance - Holston River Quarry is building a new entrance near Exit 101 on Interstate 81 (Claytor Lake Exit) beside the Citgo Gas Station. We have determined our water line in this area was not installed at the required depth and needs to be lowered to accommodate the new entrance. The cost to lower this water line is $28,675 for a length of 216 feet. The Holston River Quarry has been asked to contribute to this cost but we have not received a response. Lowering the line at the PSA’s expense less any contribution from Holston Stone is recommended.
k.Reimbursement to the Town of Dublin for Customer Notices – Board members have been provided a request from Bill Parker for reimbursement of $1, for issuance of boil water notices from the April water supply issues. Reimbursement to the Town of Dublin is recommended since the PSA serves as the water source for the Town.
l.Refund to Calfee, Inc. - Calfee, Inc. owns a small mobile home park on Viscoe Road. Last fall, they began to experience much higher than normal water bills. Upon their request and our follow-up, we granted a relief credit for the November and December bills; however, the monthly bills continued to be much greater than average. After further investigation, it was determined that in August, 2009, we replaced the meter register and that the new register was faulty as it was reading 10 times greater than the amount of water being utilized. Based on the total amount billed from August 2009 to the present, less the relief credit received, there remains a credit balance of $2, Calfee, Inc. has requested this credit be issued as a refund and approval of such is recommended.
3. Operations: a.Minutes of Previous Meeting - Minutes of the May 2010 meeting have been provided for the Board’s review and approval. b.Inmate Availability Report - Staff reports the PSA generally had use of two inmates per day for the month of May. c.Special Pick-up Report - Pickups pending: 3 brush; 0 large items; 0 tires; 0 refrigerator.
d.Drop Site Total & County Landfill Tonnage Report: Drop Site Total - May 2010 SiteTrips TonsTons per haul Dora Highway Dublin Fairlawn Totals
County Landfill Tonnage – May 2010 (County customers & Refuse Department Haulers) Commercial Residential Tires Brush
e.Personnel Changes – Board members have been provided a report prepared by Ms. Spence of recent personnel changes.
f.Progress Reports – Water and Sewer Utilities – We are obtaining the last two easements and working out issues between the Economic Development Administration and Rural Development regarding the financial structure of the Commerce Park project in preparation for bidding the project within the month. Please give Ron Coake or me a call if you have any questions.
g.Meeting Time – Consideration to an alternate meeting time might eliminate future concerns with the public being able to attend the meetings. Suggested times are, 4:30 p.m. with public comment at the end of the meeting), 5:30 p.m. or 6:00 p.m.
h.Leak Adjustment Policy (Larry Dowdy Account) – The following is a draft policy on leak adjustments for consideration by the Board. PSA LEAK ADJUSTMENT POLICY It is the policy of the PSA to make the following billing adjustments for water leaks on the customer’s side of the water meter (applies to residential, commercial and industrial customer: 1.Each leak will be treated as individual incidents with the likelihood that leaks generally span two or more billing periods since meters are generally read every other month.
2.To qualify for consideration of an adjustment, a customer’s water bill must be two times the most recent 12 month average (or the average since the customer connected if for less than a year). 3.75% of an initial leak will be adjusted upon request of the customer following the customer’s confirmation that a leak was found and has been repaired. 4.If within a year, a second leak develops and is subsequently fixed, the adjustment will be limited to 50% of the leak amount. 5.Leak amounts will be determined by taking the average monthly billings over the past 12 months (or since the customer connected if for less than a year) and subtracting the average from the monthly usage at the time of the leak.
6.No adjustments will be granted for additional leaks occurring within one year of the initial leak. 7.Occasional unexplained “leaks” as often caused by an intermittent problem from a commode hanging, would be adjusted in the above manner upon confirmation that the owner has double checked tank levels and leakage in their commodes. 8.Staff would be allowed to give residents permission to lift meter lids to check readings in order to self check for slow or continuing leaks. 9.If the customer is also connected to the PSA sewer system, a similar adjustment will be made to the sewer billings.
10.If requesting an adjustment, the customer must submit a written request to the PSA billing office within 60 days of the date of the leak. The request will be investigated by the appropriate PSA staff and will be forwarded to the PSA Board of Directors for its consideration We would recommend the application of this policy to the Larry Dowdy situation if the policy is approved by the PSA Board. Mr. Dowdy had a May bill of $ of which $224.41would be adjusted based on the above policy (50% for a second leak within a 12 month period)
i.Town of Dublin Water Usage – The recent fire at the Farris Dairy in Newbern complicated the reconciliation of water billing between the PSA and the Town of Dublin since the fire resulted in the transfer of a significant but unknown volume of water transfer of water out of the Dublin system back into to PSA. Based on the calculations, the Town has paid $38, or approximately half the estimated amount owed with plans to pay the full amount by June 30th so as to avoid budget complications with the July 1 start of the new fiscal year.
4.Current Authorized Projects - The staff currently has the following projects on their “to do” list but we do not have any additional information to report regarding these items at this time. a.Construction of water and sewer service to mobile home parks b.Construction of Rolling Hills, Orchard Hills, Vista, and Highland Park sewer c.Skyview/NRV Fairgrounds sewer engineering and environmental reports d.Commerce Park Utility engineering, easement acquisition and construction e.Evaluation of “radio read” water meter option
f.Lakewood Estates emergency management plan g.Drop Center location serving South side of Claytor Lake h.Evaluation of joint negotiation of rail crossing fees