ACADs (08-006) Covered Keywords Source testing requirements, exemptions from testing. Description Supporting Material
Source Leak Testing Periodic leakage testing : source containing licensed material (other than tritium) with a half-life greater than 30 days Solid, liquids The test shall be capable of detecting uCi. Sources are exempt from testing if – they contain <10 uCi of an alpha emitting material or – <100 uCi of a beta or gamma emitting radionuclide.
Source Leak Testing Stored and not used sources must be tested once every 10 year – Exception: alpha sources Alpha Sources must be tested every quarter Stored source – Not used for six month – Must be removed from its functional position and secured – Tested before returned to service
Source Leak Testing sealed beta or gamma sources – leak tested every six months sealed alpha sources must be leak tested every three months. Principal investigators must have approvals and posses and use sealed rad sources Users must have training Sources must be labeled Security must be in place
Source Leak Testing Exemptions from testing requirements (NRC: 10 CFR 39.35). Hydrogen-3 (tritium) sources; Sources containing licensed material with a half-life of 30 days or less; Sealed sources containing licensed material in gaseous form; Sources of beta- or gamma-emitting radioactive material with an activity of 3.7 MBq [100 microcuries] or less; and Sources of alpha- or neutron-emitting radioactive material with an activity of 0.37 MBq [10 microcuries] or less.