The Company Petro Chemical Energy o We are the global leader in energy loss surveys having over 25 years experience making your businesses more efficient. o Highly trained and professional staff. o State-of-the-art ultra-sonic equipment. o Having uncorrected steam leaks and faulty traps cost your businesses time and money as well as being environmentally unfriendly.
SERVICES Air Leak Surveys Nitrogen Leak Surveys Gas Leak Survey (H2, O2, Natural Gas ) Steam Leak Surveys Steam Trap Surveys
Our Policies Safe Employees o Yearly Basic Plus Safety classes Houston Area Safety Council Texas City Safety Council Tennessee Valley Training Center o Site specific safety classes Petro Chemical Energy employees receive site specific training at over 50 plant sites per year Security Checks o Petro Chemical Energy employee background checks performed by DISA Drugs & Alcohol Free Workplace o Petro Chemical Energy employees are tested for Drugs and Alcohol prior to employment, annually and randomly by DISA Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) o All Petro Chemical Energy employees have a TWIC card
Our Goals Stop the loss of productivity and efficiency – Manufacturing productivity – Processing efficiency Provide recommendations for improvement Stop profit loss by conserving wasted energy
Undetected Steam leaks – Rob efficiency in manufacturing and processing – Lose millions of dollars annually – Add up to very costly problems – Are caused by dozens, perhaps hundreds of hard to pinpoint outflows which are caused by vibrations and a corrosive atmosphere. We can find your leaks in areas that that would be unnoticed and undetected to the human ear
Leaks = Dollar Loss Our Services Will Save Your Company Money Petro Chemical Energy’s Steam Leak and Steam Trap surveys have helped our clients all over the world shut down boilers. Resulting in saving our customers millions of dollars annually. We have completed surveys that have saved our clients $17,000, net from our steam leak and trap survey, after they repaired their leaks and faulty traps.
Steam Leak Surveys Details o Ultrasonic equipment easily locates steam leaks o Each leak is tagged with a metal number tag that corresponds with your Excel report. o A detailed Excel report is compiled containing: Location and description of all steam leaks Annual dollar loss per leak Analysis are forecasting the price of Natural Gas is going up.
Steam Trap Surveys Details o Temperature and ultrasonic equipment tests each trap o Each trap is tagged with a metal number tag that corresponds with your Excel report. o A detailed excel report is compiled containing: Location of all traps Trap manufacturer, trap model, trap size, line pressure and service of each trap Annual dollar loss per trap o Petro Chemical Energy is not affiliated with any steam trap manufacturer or vendor.
Easy Access to Report Multiple Copies, Multiple Formats o One large copy (14 x 11) of Excel spreadsheet Cover sheet with all areas surveyed Individual spreadsheet of each area o Four letter sized copies of Excel spreadsheet o CD containing entire survey data o Electronic copy transferred via
Our Valued Customers Petro Chemical Energy's Energy Surveys have saved our clients millions annually including: Arkema Ascend Chemicals American Styrenics Bayer Chemicals BASF Bridgestone Firestone BP Amoco Cherokee Pharmaceuticals Chevron Ciba Specialty Chemicals Celanese Chemicals Columbian Chemicals Citgo ConocoPhillips, Inc. Cooper Tire & Rubber Co. Dow Chemical Company Daikin America Exxon Mobil EKA Frontier Refining Inc GEO Specialty Chemicals G E Plastics Hercules Huntsman ISP Chemical Koch Refining Co. Lion Oil Company Lubrizol Merck & Company Motiva Novartis Oxy Chemical Olin Chemicals Placid Refining Pasadena Refinery Proctor & Gambel Rohm and Haas Rhodia Chemicals Shell Chemical Sunoco Solutia Samref (Saudi Arabia) Tennessee Eastman Texas Eastman Total Petrochemicals Texaco Vulcan Chemicals Valero Wise Alloys
GUARANTEE Petro Chemical Energy guarantees that if your company is not completely satisfied with your survey after completion your company will not be charged.