The Information Age The Impact of By Ray Walker
The Information Age – The radical changes in the technology of communication and the ways we receive and process information (Fiero 127).
The key points that I will addressing are: Cinema International Events National Events Science Sports Technology
First commercial cellular (wireless) phones produced (Fiero 127). (
Ronald Reagan was elected President ( ( )
First commercial use of MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) (Fiero 129) (
Sandra Day O’ Conner first woman appoint to the U.S. Supreme Court 1981 (Rosenberg First Woman Appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court) ( )
Personal computers introduced by IBM (Bellis -The History of the IBM PC - International Business Machines) (
Sally Ride become the first American women in space – 1983 (First Women In Space - 1) ( )
E.T. Movie Released 1982 (Rosenberg 1) (
Muhammad Ali retires from boxing -1981(Muhammad Ali) ( events/ali98.htm)
The Tanker War between Iran and Iraq – 1981 (The Tanker War 1) ( )
Huge poison gas leak in Bhopal India – 1984 (Rosenberg 1) (
The hepatitis-B vaccine invented – 1980 (Vaccine Against Viral Hepatitis) (
Cinema - ET Movie International Events – Tanker War, Gas Leak in Bhopal, India National Events – President Reagan, Sandra Day O’Connor Science – MRI, Sally Ride, Hepatitis B vaccine Sports – Muhammad Ali Technology – Cell phone, Personal Computers SUMMARY
Bellis, Mary. "History of Computers - The IBM PC." Inventors. Web. 16 July "E.T. Movie Released." 20th Century History. Jennifer Rosenberg, Web. 16 July Fiero, Gloria K. The Humanistic Tradition. Boston: McGraw-Hill, Print. "First Woman on the Supreme Court of the United States." 20th Century History. Jennifer Rosenberg. Web. 16 July "Muhammad Ali." Nova Online Home Page July "Poison Gas Leak in Bhopal India." 20th Century History. Jennifer Rosenberg, Web. 16 July "Sally Kristen Ride | First American Woman in Space." Lucidcafé Interactive Café and Information Resource Web. 16 July "The Tanker War." July "Vaccine Against Viral Hepatitis - Baruch Blumberg - Hepatitis." Inventors. Mary Bellis,, Web. 16 July Works Cited