Fix-It Duck Day OneShared Reading Day OneShared Reading Day TwoAmazing Words Day TwoAmazing Words Day ThreeHigh Frequency Words Day ThreeHigh Frequency Words Day FourLetter Practice Day FourLetter Practice Day FiveAdditional Resources Day FiveAdditional Resources
Question of the Day How do people help each other?
Setting setting Where and when the story happens is the setting. Where do you think Fix-It Duck takes place?
Amazing Words
My name is greg
My name is Greg.
F f a
G gG g
I am
Let’s Write Our Name I am ____________. My favorite color is ______.
Question of the Day How am I going to help my family?
duck is a good Friend
Duck is a good friend.
Shared Reading Pages 4–5 Why does Duck think there is a leak? What does Duck decide to do? Pages 6–7 Why can't Duck fix the leak? What does he decide to do? Pages 8–9 What happens when Duck reaches Sheep's house?
Shared Reading Pages 10–11 What goes "rattle, creak, and squeak" at sheep's house? What does Duck notice as they are sitting there? Pages 12–13 What happened when Duck tried to fix Sheep's window? Is a hammer a good tool to use to fix a window? Pages 14–15 Where are Duck and Sheep going to take Sheep's house? What happens when they try to hitch Sheep's house to Duck's Jeep?
Shared Reading Pages 16–17 What does Duck use to hook Sheep's house to the truck? What would be a better tool to use to tow Sheep's house? Pages 18–19 How is Duck driving? Pages 20–21 What does Sheep see through the window? How do you think Sheep feels about that?
Shared Reading Pages 22–23 What happened to Sheep's house after it came unhooked from Duck's truck? Does Duck know what happened? Pages 24–25 What happens when Duck gets to Goat's house? Why does Pages 26–27 What do Duck and Goat see as they look up the hill?
Shared Reading Pages 28–29 What happens to Sheep's house next? How do you think Sheep feels now? Pages 30–31 What does Duck do when he sees Sheep's house is broken? How does Sheep feel about that? Page 32 What does Frog tell Sheep and Goat about the water dripping from Duck's ceiling earlier in the day? What do you think Duck will find when he gets back to his house?
Setting Where does our story take place?
H h
I i
I am
Let’s Write Our Name My name is ___________.
Question of the Day How do you help your friends?
i can help jack clean
I can help Jack clean.
Setting Where does the story happen? Why is it important that the story happens in the country? How would the story have been different if it had happened in the city? Is the place where the story happened like the place where you live?
J j
K k
amI II
Let’s Write I can help my friends ______________.
Question of the Day How do your friends help you?
my friend gabe is nice
My friend Gabe is nice.
Let’s Write My friend _________ helps me ______________.
L l
M m
am I
Question of the Day How do people help each other?
i help sam rake leaves
I help Sam rake leaves.
N n
Additional Resources Rat’s Letters Uppercase/Lowercase Letter Match Cows Don’t Quack Debbie Duck Story Alphabet Slide Show Miscellaneous Games Kindergarten Kove