Lab 9. Overview Instructor checks pre-labs. in lab notebook Discussion of exam, sickle-cell disease write up, & the independent projects. Basic Bacteria Overview. Examine 5 prepared slides & 3 culture plates Isolation streaking exercise Antibiotics exercise with bacterial lawns Create a bacterial model & examine model Examine and sketch your plant cultures. Discuss ind. proj. w/ instructor before leaving. Read book & make eukaryotic model by next week.
Bacterial Cell
Cell Walls
Cell Shape & Arrangement
Bacterial Colonies & Streaking Streaking dilutes the bacteria so that single cells can grow into isolated colonies.
Reminders for the Lab READ the instructions ( ) in the manual The tops on broth tubes are NOT leak proof. Ceramic sterilizers are HOT. Remember to sterize your loop between each streak. Put samples on the medium, not on the lid. Be careful with the Bunsen burners and open flames. Do not set yourself on fire. Do not roast the spreaders in the flame. Do not put a flaming or hot spreader into the alcohol beaker.