Monday Lesson 9, Day 2
Objective: To listen and respond appropriately to oral communication. Question of the Day: What are the seasons of the year? What is each season like? My favorite season is ________ because it is _________.
Objective: To develop the ability to listen for a purpose. Read Aloud – “Autumn”
Objective - To read high frequency words. Word Wall: don’t her Mr. thanks new line says water
Objective: To segment phonemes in words. Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Segmentation
Building Words us bus must cu c cub t lub
Read Words He must get on the bus with us. Cut the plum so we can eat it. The cub naps with its mom, and then gets up. He hit the ball with that club. Objective: To spell spelling words and high frequency words.
Details “It’s mine,” groaned the mole. “It is full of furrows.” “It’s mine,” squealed the vole. “See my bumps and my burrows.” The toads and the turtles, the squirrels and hares, the chipmunks and crickets – all claimed it was theirs.
Details Details tell us more about something. In the story about the garden, details tell what animals are there, such as moles, voles, toads, and turtles. Details also tell about other sights, sounds, and smells in the garden. The details give more information about the garden, such as how the animals groaned and squealed when they spoke.
Words to Know live does grow many be food
Objective: To develop robust vocabulary by discussing ideas and situations. Robust Vocabulary Claimed Dine Groaned
claimed If you claimed something, you say it is yours.
claimed Has someone ever claimed something of yours? What do you say when you want to claim something?
Saying that you dine is a fancy way of talking about eating. dine
What time do you usually dine at home? When you dine, what is your favorite thing to eat? Who do you dine with at school?
A person who groans makes a deep sound that shows unhappiness. groaned
What is something that makes you groan? Have you ever heard a friend groan? Why did he or she groan? What is something that could happen in school that might make you want to groan?
“Plants Can’t Jump”
Retelling Objective: To practice retelling a story
Objective: To identify nouns that name animals or things. Nouns
Objective: To identify nouns that name animals or things. Nouns The_______ looked for the ________.
Make a list of plants that you think are interesting. Think of a title for your list. Objective: To contribute ideas to lists.