The spirit of the Lord is upon me because He has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom to the prisoners and recovery of sight to the blind, to release the oppressed. Luke 4:18
Thanks to God and support from Christians and Churches like yourself, the school in Konabu Village Sierra Leone has been rebuilt.
Attendance has grown from 25 to over 200 children.
The school has received exam centre status. They took their first entrance test to secondary school and came first in the area. This young man is now in high school.
A representative from The Ministry of Education has pledged to clear the bush that separates the village from the school. UNICEF (United Nations International Children Fund) will rebuild the well for the school and improve toilet facilities.
These school children receiving your donated items of clothing.
Overseas mission: we would like to improve school facilities and build a church in Konabu village Sierra Leone (many muslims have now become Christians.)
The people of Konabu Village have asked to help them build a church to praise and worship Jesus Christ.
UK mission: Christ in the Community. A family fun day to promote the gospel of Jesus Christ in the local community. More photos on the following slide.
Dine With The King 15 th February 2014 The BIG Walk 12 th April 2014 Cake Bake Sales 10 th March – 21 st July 2014 Fundraisers and Events for 2014 Christ in the Community 26 th July 2014 Blackpool Christian Conference 29 th – 31st August 2014 Thanksgiving Service 27 th September 2014
Fundraisers and Events for continued Prayer Vigil – Sierra Leone 31 st December 2014 Christmas Concert 6 th December 2014
1.Dine with the King 15 th February Sponsored Walk - 12 th April Cake Sales - 10 th March – 21 st July Christ in the Community – 26 th July Trip to Blackpool – 30 th August Thanksgiving Service - 27 th September Christmas Concert - 6 th December Prayer Vigil (Sierra Leone) – 31 st December 2014 Fundraisers and EventsList for 2014.
Stewards Security (SIA) Cook Food Food Area Children’s Area (CRB checked) Information Desk First Aider Prayer Area Bake Cakes / Cake Stall Bouncy Castle Let us know what event and what areas you can volunteer for. Performer / Musician / DJ MC Setting Up / Clearing Away Donations / Finance / Fundraising
Our website If you are interested in regular giving (by direct debit)or donations of any kind, please speak to Sao Sannoh. Thank you and God Bless You!