Wollaston Center Parking Study April 16, 2014
Study Area 0.2 miles 4 min walk
Parking – In General… Parking – Make it easy!! – Affordable – Available – Consistent – Clear – Visible Encourage people to park once and visit multiple destinations to shop and dine Separate long-term and short-term parking – Provide employee parking – Long-term in lots, short-term on street 85% occupancy is preferred
Our previous meeting Employers concerned about lack of parking for customers What we heard… No consistency in current regulations Uniform policy should be implemented for changes in regulations Desire for employee parking locations Desire to utilize T lot on evenings and weekends for employee/customer parking
Since we met… MAPC drafted preliminary recommendations – focusing on items discussed at the last meeting Reviewed with Mayor Koch City already acting on a few items Now… Looking for feedback to help refine recommendations
Preliminary Recommendations
Wollaston Parking Regulations
Regulations Create consistency in regulation Enables reduction in signage Reduces confusion Ability to create 2 hour and 1 hour zones (if appropriate) Clarity in signage Clear and concise What is most appropriate?
Additional Parking Spaces Add spaces where possible Unused bus stops Unsigned areas Review space lengths: adjust to 8x20 spaces Regulate unsigned areas where people are already parking (20+ spaces)
Establish a Process for changes Review current process in place Work with the Traffic and Parking Division to clarify and publicize the procedure Consider impacts on a larger scale Provide opportunity for public comment REQUEST FROM OWNER ANALYZE IMPACTS PRESENTATION TO TRAFFIC BOARD ESTABLISH A SPONSOR DECISION IMPLEMENTATION
Outreach to MBTA Review existing bus stops in Wollaston Center – Relocate bus stops? – Opportunity for parking in these locations after bus operating hours? Discuss night/weekend use of the MBTA lot
Install new parking signs Install new signs Update signs on a regular basis Sign lifespan is 5-7 years New signs = <$30 Consider phasing in new signage Keep track of regulations, sign locations and sign installation dates Update database when changes occur Install fewer signs
Residential Parking Permits $20 annual fee City-wide permit Many residential permits observed – MBTA parking? – Residents parking on- street? Opportunity for more capacity along residential streets – Employee parking? City following up quincyma.gov/CityOfQuincy_Content/documents/forms/ParkingPermitApp12409.pdf
Handicap Parking Review current number and location of public handicap parking spaces – Review usage of these spaces – Provide ample loading/unloading space for wheelchairs – Adjust as necessary
Employee Parking Designated area(s) preferred Enforcement currently does not ticket known employee vehicles Employees parking on street reduces potential spaces for business patrons CVS rear lot & Supreme Pantry Lot Opportunities for businesses to have informal agreements Example: Restaurant employees can park in law office lot on nights and weekends
Wollaston -- Before and After Graphic with added spaces + consistent regs
Next Steps Incorporate comments and refine recommendations Draft report Eric HalvorsenSarah Kurpiel Lee