Mission: To educate all learners in a safe and nurturing environment; meeting the academic, cultural, psychological, emotional, social, and physical needs,


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Presentation transcript:

Mission: To educate all learners in a safe and nurturing environment; meeting the academic, cultural, psychological, emotional, social, and physical needs, regardless of level or style, in order to reach their full potential in society. Vision: At Central Middle School, we envision a safe, caring, and stimulating learning environment in order to support students academically, socially, emotionally, and physically through a differentiated, cooperative community so that each student reaches his/her full potential. Values: (Collective Commitments): We are individuals committed to building positive relationships, engaging in meaningful learning experiences, modeling appropriate behavior, and holding each other to the highest standards of accountability. Goals: Central Middle School will use data-driven instruction to actively engage students in learning by assessing students, collecting data, and analyzing data using DEA probes, pre-assessments, common assessments, and benchmarks. We will chart progress, collaborate on results, and attack weaknesses through ongoing professional development which will enable us to meet our established safe harbor goals.

School Year AugSeptOctNovDec State Goal 93% Current enrollment th grade th grade th grade-221

2010 Advanced/ Proficient 2011 Advanced/ Proficient Difference Communication Arts Mathematics

Communication Arts Reportable Students Safe Harbor Target Total Number of Students Needed Number of Students Who Have Met Number of Additional Students Mathematics Reportable Students Safe Harbor Target Total Number of Students Needed Number of Students Who Have Met Number of Additional Students

Achievement Level Achievement Level Within 10 Points Communication Arts # of students Mathematics # of students Below BasicBasic6267 BasicProficient ProficientAdvanced2021

School YearNumber of Students Top Two Levels Twelve of those 8 th grade students scored in the Proficient/Advanced range and received one high school credit for Algebra I. Those twelve students are currently enrolled in Geometry.

Principals and Instructional Coaches use the Missouri School Improvement Grant Observation Tool which measures: 1. Learning Objectives 2. DOK and Rigor 3. Engagement 4. Content 5. Classroom Management 6. Assessment 7. Instruction

 Communication Arts & Mathematics Interventionists (MOSIG Funded positions)  6 th Grade Basic Skills Semester Course  PBIS Action Research Group (MOSIG)  Therapeutic Room SRA Communication Arts & Math Kits After-school Tutoring Student Academic Center (MOSIG) Daily Read and Write Monthly Flex Fridays Bi-monthly Measurement Day Young Authors

MOSIG Goals: 1.Increase instructional time for students who are proficient or nearing proficiency in Mathematics and Communication Arts in order to maintain or achieve proficiency. 2.Monitor, mentor, and instruct a cohort group of below basic students in order to increase their achievement levels, stabilize them in the school, and raise self-esteem.

Students selection based on 2011 MAP scores showing proficiency or nearing proficiency. Students receive a “double dose” of instruction in Math or Communication Arts three days per week from Literacy or Numeracy Interventionist. Instruction is based on individualized deficit skills and curriculum content priorities. Interventionists meet weekly with regular classroom teachers in order to communicate concerning individual student needs and scores. Interventionist maintains and monitors all data regarding intervention students on a daily basis.

13 students selected have scored below basic on the 2011 MAP test in the area of Mathematics. Students meet for 30 minutes daily with the Math Interventionist during the PBIS time. Interventionist monitors students grades, attendance, discipline, and tardies. Students receive instruction in deficit skills, based on communication with classroom teacher, on a daily basis. Action Research students take part in mandatory, parent- approved, after-school tutoring beginning in December, Administrators meet weekly with students to provide mentoring and incentives. Interventionist monitors and maintains all data regarding action research students on a daily basis.

Data Communications  Professional Learning Community Center  Individual Classrooms  Common Assessments  Data Teams Process/Flexible Grouping  Common Collaborative Planning Periods  PD 360 Instructional Coaching  Weekly Content Area Collaborations  Collegial Learning Walks  After School & Saturday Workshops Book Studies  Learning By Doing by Rick Dufour  Classroom Management That Works by Robert Marzano

College Campus Tours  Lincoln University-Jefferson City, MO  University of Missouri-Columbia (Mizzou)  Harris-Stowe State University  Southern Illinois University- Carbondale  Southern Illinois University- Edwardsville  Ranken Technical College  Morehouse University-Atlanta, GA  Spellman University-Atlanta, GA Operation Dine-Out/Ettiquette  Cheesecake Factory Museum Field Experiences  National Civil Rights-Memphis, TN  Field Museum-Chicago, IL  DuSable Museum of African American History-Chicago, IL  Civil Rights Museum-Atlanta, GA  Georgia Aquarium-Atlanta, GA  Dr. King Memorial-Washington, DC  Smithsonian Institute-Washington, DC Primary –Secondary Connection  8 th graders read to Kindergartners