Or, The Dine
Brainstorm everything you know about the Navajo people (feel free to look at your notes). Write it down.
Share what you have with your group
Raise your hand and share with the rest of the class
Pull out a piece of paper Title it: The Navajo People Write these categories on the left side of your paper, leaving about 3 lines between each one: Oral Tradition Environment Language Jewelry-Making Basket-weaving and Sand Art Weaving Ceremonies and Traditions
Prehistoric until Spanish Only recently did Navajo write themselves Origin Myths? Navajo migrate Certain times of year Coyote and the Stars
Dry and barren
Four Sacred Mountains
Four is a sacred number Four Sacred Mountains Four Sacred colors: Red, White, Yellow, Black Four elements Four directions Four winds New Mexico Flag
Food? Use meat, skin, and wool Previous to Pioneers, lots of tension with Spanish/Mexicans. Raids Boast: Could get rid of all of the settlers except they raised livestock for them.
Describes, doesn’t name Takes a long time to say things Not actually a written language When you meet someone, you don’t just say your name. You give your name, your parents clans (tribes within a tribe), and where you are from
Beaded In the 1800’s began to make silver jewelry, usually with turquoise Turquoise is a sacred stone to the Navajo Learned from the Spanish Main method: melting silver and pouring it into molds
Baskets Made from coiled sumac Mainly used for ceremonies now Always has a pathway- Progression to next stage Sandpainting Had healing properties, used during ceremonies So powerful that it has to be destroyed after Some people make them to display now, but always made with an error
According to tradition first brought by Spider Woman and Man Shares many things with Pueblo weaving
Rite of Passage- what ones do you have? Cradleboard- father makes Girl Coming of Age- runs Boy Coming of Age- sent into wild
Name one thing you learned today that you think is important or interesting, and that you will go home and share with your family. Think about it silently and write it down Share within your group Share with class