Bread/rolls should be placed in a basket lined with a napkin & passed around the table Dessert is served after the dinner plates salad bowls, and serving dishes have been cleared from the table Meals may be served a variety of ways depending on occasion/menu
Quick Service Easy and fast way to dine Typically involves no servers Guests can either: › Help themselves to food set up in food bars › Order food at a counter
Traditional service style reflects three main influences: American English Russian
Aka “Plated service” Food arranged on plates in kitchen by cooks Plates brought directly to guests’ table by server
Advantages: less dishes, all food is warm and served at the same time, less formal, quick, portion control Disadvantages: spill, portion control, disruptive
Aka “family-style” dining Bowls/platters of food are placed on the table Diners pass the dishes around the table and serve themselves Simple & least expensive
Advantages: everyone stays seated, talk without disruption, organized, you control portion Disadvantages: time consuming, careful of burns, running out
Food is prepared in the kitchen Bowls/platters of food are brought on a cart to the guests table Servers hold the bowl/platters as they serve the food to each guest
Advantages: leaves host/hostess free to socialize Disadvantages: expensive, hard to find
Combination of plated and family service Main course served by host/hostess Rest of meal is served in bowls and passed around the table
Advantages: host/hostess controls portions Disadvantages: host/hostess controls portions, hostess losses social time
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