Presented by: Anneke Miller Assistant Director- Fitness
Please answer the true or false statements through out this entire presentation out loud or to yourself. Explanations will be provided for each. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask!
Information printed in a magazine or book is NOT always reliable or accurate. Use personal judgment Trust only reliable sources (just because it is in a book or magazine does not make it true) Peer reviewed journal articles can be your best source for answers about your health.
If you do enough abdominal crunches, you will have a flat abdomen. Abdominal muscles will strengthen Fat will not leave A combination of cardiovascular and strengthening exercises are necessary. This is true for any muscle or body part. Spot reducing is not possible.
To build muscle, you should lift heavy weights/Xertubes and perform few repetitions, but to tone a muscle you should perform more repetitions with lighter weights. Trick question! The first part is true and the second part is false. True: To achieve a toned muscle is to build the muscle and burn the fat. This can be done by lifting heavy weights/Xertubes and performing no more than 10 to 16 repetitions. False: Lifting lighter weights and doing more repetitions won’t do much of anything. You are not stressing the muscle enough to stimulate it to change and grow.
Carrying weights or strapping them to your ankles as you run or walk will NOT improve performance May burn more calories Involves many risks such as: A thrown off gait Back strain Ankle, knee, and hip injury
If you exercise you can eat whatever you want and stay trim. Do the math More calories in than out = Weight gain You can be slim, but if you eat all greasy foods then your arteries can still clog
Exercising with weights will make women bulky. A woman’s genes make it nearly impossible Women have limited amounts of testosterone. Weight training will actually increase your metabolism, which will aid in weight loss.
The best time to work out is early in the morning. There is no best time to exercise (fit it in when you prefer or have the time) It is recommended not to exercise about an hour or two before bed to avoid trouble sleeping
Weight lifting before performing cardiovascular exercise will burn more calories. Research so far has shown that more calories will be expended (not a large significance) The cardiovascular exercise must coincide with the same muscle group that you just worked in strength training Chose what you like best and do that first in case you get too tired or need to cut your exercise time short.
The more you exercise, the more protein you need for energy Protein is the least efficient energy source out of the 3 major nutrients, proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Protein is used for tissue maintenance and repair functions.
High Protein Low Carbohydrate Diets are a Healthy Solution to Weight Loss Main function of Carbs Provide glucose for energy to the body Other reasons for carbs You can’t completely burn fat without them In the absence of carbs Ketones are released in the body Make blood acidic Make you feel bad
I do not sweat; therefore, I am in better shape than people who sweat a lot. Sweating is your body’s personal cooling system Sweating is an indication that your body is working efficiently
There is no magic pill out there to reduce weight. There is no quick fix! Nutritional supplements and diet pills are often Deceptive Misleading Fraudulent
The only way to burn off fat is to live in a gym Again with the math More calories in than out = Weight gain Try your favorite activities to remain consistent
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