Effectiveness of a slimming program for the public Hong Kong Tuberculosis, Chest and Heart Diseases Association Hong Kong Centre for Health Promotion and.


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Presentation transcript:

Effectiveness of a slimming program for the public Hong Kong Tuberculosis, Chest and Heart Diseases Association Hong Kong Centre for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Symposium on Community Engagement II “Building a Successful Partnership in Community Care” Mr. Ho Kam Pui Program Officer Hong Kong Centre for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Hong Kong Tuberculosis, Chest and Heart Diseases Association

Introduction Recent studies show that in Hong Kong, 20.1% of men and 15.9% of women are overweight, and 22.3% of men and 20.0% of women are obese. Lifestyles like dietary intake and physical exercise have direct bearing on body fitness. However, many people have a misconception about obesity management. Thus, education should be provided.

Purpose 1. To increase the awareness of the knowledge in dietary intake, exercise, and pharmacological knowledge for the participants 2. To assess the change of the health belief and self- efficacy after a year of structured education program on weight reduction and 3. To promote the concept of self care in four behavioral patterns including regular exercise, regular weight watching, low-fat, low-calorie diet and monitoring of food intake.

Methods Participants were all general public Each program was composed of 3 modules  Module 1 – Diet and Weight Management ( 瘦身與 營養 )  Module 2 – Understanding Drugs and Food Supplements for Weight Management ( 認識瘦身 藥物及食物補充劑 )  Module 3 – Obesity and Diseases, Exercises and Weight Management ( 肥胖與疾病、運動與體重 )

Methods Health check including fat analysis, BMI, waist-hip ratio and blood pressure were measured at each lecture and activities. Dietary follow-up, exercise class, cooking competition and trail walking were organized. Ongoing contact with health professionals including nurses, doctors, dietitian and pharmacists helped monitoring changes and lapses, provided opportunities to adjust strategy. “Pre-test” and “Post-test” questionnaire survey was employed. After the completion of the program, a self- reported current weight was obtained.

Programs Class A  Module 1 – 30/4/2006  Module 2 – 21/5/2006  Module 3 – 25/6/2006 Class B  Module 1 – 14/5/2006  Module 2 – 18/6/2006  Module 3 – 9/7/2006 Class C  Module 1 – 13/8/2006  Module 2 – 3/9/2006  Module 3 – 15/10/2006

Programs In each module, the content included: Stretching Exercises ( 醒神活力操 ) Health Talk ( 專題講座 )

Programs Aerobic Exercises ( 纖型活力操 ) Games ( 遊戲 )

Programs Diet Advisory Section ( 食得健康、吃得有 “ 營 ”) Health Tests ( 健康測試 )

Programs and Methods Group Discussion and Sharing ( 小組討論及分享 )

Programs Exercise & Sharing Session 運動與分享 20/8/2006 & 27/8/2006

Programs and Methods Activity – Walk for Health 活動 – 輕輕鬆鬆健步行 Wanchai – Peak ( 灣仔 - 山頂 ) 8/10/2006 Wanchai – Aberdeen ( 灣仔 - 香港仔 ) 19/11/2006

Programs Cooking Competition 健康美食比賽 Presentation by participants 參賽者介紹自己之作品 Champion dish 冠軍作品

Programs Cooking Competition 健康美食比賽 2+3 Health Booth 衞生署「日日 2+3 」健康攤位 Mr. Pang Yuk Ling, Chairman of our Association presented the awards to the winners 本會主席彭玉陵太平紳士 頒獎給比賽得獎者

Results From April 2005 to April 2006, 123 subjects were studied, 95% of whom were female. Participants included nurses, teachers, social workers, chefs, housewives, administrative staff etc. A majority, of 78 participants (56 of them had BMI over 23), had attended all three lectures. 65% of the participants had reduced fat percentage, 62% had lower BMI and 41% had reduced waist-hip ratio after attending the three lectures and dietary follow-up.

Results The mean weight (kg) fell from (65.5+/- 8.6)kg at the baseline to (62.2+/- 8.0)kg after one year. Significant correlation was found between support by family members and the successful weight maintenance.

Programs Fitness Merit Award Ceremony 至 fit 頒獎典禮 Guests of the Ceremony 典禮嘉賓合照 Aerobic Exercise 纖型伸展操

Programs and Methods Winners of the Health Ambassador Awards 「健康大使」得獎者 Fitness Merit Award Ceremony 至 fit 頒獎典禮

Conclusion This structured education program with the collaboration of different health care professionals or support group could increase their awareness on weight reduction It can modify the behavior of the participants with a significant amount of lost weight, maintaining motivation for the continuity of self care, providing encouragement and protecting against relapse.

Conclusion In long term, more people change the attitude and behavior on weight reduction would prevent the many diseases It can lower the medical burden from the government. This program was successful and it will be re-organized from September 2006 to January 2007.

Acknowledgement Mr. Stanley Au, Senior Nursing Officer, Grantham Hospital Ms. Babe Chan, Director, Hong Kong Centre for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Hong Kong Tuberculosis, Chest and Heart Diseases Association Mr. Eva Cheng, Senior Hospital Manager, Ruttonjee and Tang Shiu Kin Hospitals Ms. Jenny Chan, Nurse, Grantham Hospital Mr. Peter Lee, Nursing Officer, Central Health Education Unit, Department of Health Mr. Henry Cheung, Senior Consultant, Occupational Safety & Health Council. Mr. Alky Yung, Manager, Hong Kong Centre for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Hong Kong Tuberculosis, Chest and Heart Diseases Association Mr. Tommy Ho, Program Officer, Hong Kong Centre for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Hong Kong Tuberculosis, Chest and Heart Diseases Association Ms. Eva Leung, Assistant Manager, Hong Kong Centre for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Hong Kong Tuberculosis, Chest and Heart Diseases Association

Thank you ﹗ Thank you ﹗ 266 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong 電話: (852) 傳真: (852) Web Site: