Marchmont Observatory/SLIM School of Education University of Exeter St. Luke’s Campus Exeter, EX1 2LU
Marchmont Observatory The Marchmont Observatory aims to improve evidence based policy and practice in the field of lifelong learning, VET and labour market analysis through analysis, good practice capture and dissemination, networking, learning programmes and research. Established by Exeter University in 1998 following a successful £3m bid to the ADAPT Programme of the EU, the Marchmont Observatory is now funded from a range of sources including local government, European Programmes (FP7, PROGRESS, Lifelong Learning Programme and UK Research Agencies.
Activities Supporting the exchange of ideas and good practice between practitioners, policy makers and researchers Providing on-line knowledge management systems, including a good practice database and research databases Stimulating action-based research Collecting information on existing practice and relevant research, analysing it and making it accessible for users Disseminating research and practice to practitioners and policy makers through a range of media, including web based
Recent Activity in Marchmont NEETS and Young Unemployed Science and Society Flexicurity SLIM - Skills and Learning Intelligence Module Learning and Health Trade Union Learning Rural Skills The Care Sector Careers Guidance Older Workers and Older Learners Evaluations Transversal Study Visits
LOCATION Exeter 2.5 hours from London Campus University Mild climate & high quality of life - 20 minutes to beach in region of natural beauty “Exeter is very easy to fall in love with. It has one of the most beautiful campuses in the country, in one of the most beautiful counties in Britain." Virgin Alternative Guide to British Universities, 2005
Streatham campus High Street St Lukes’ campus
Streatham campus looking towards the city and sea
1998 – Marchmont EU (ADAPT) Project 1999 – Marchmont Observatory 2001 – SLIM Contract begins
University of Exeter 17,210 students registered 15,760 full-time and 1,450 part-time 2,855 staff members Annual turnover of over £203 million (08/09) Placed 9 th nationally in the National Student Survey Exeter was ranked 7 th in the latest Times Good University Guide League Tab Nearly 90% of the research rated as being at internationally recognised levels University of the year – Sunday Times
University is ‘one of Europe’s fastest growing companies’ The University of Exeter has been named in the top 100 fastest growing companies in Europe and is in the top 25 in the UK. New rankings, which recognise the top 200 companies for generating stable growth and jobs, show the University placed 62 nd out of millions of businesses across the continent and 23 rd in the UK.
Research and Knowledge Transfer Helps the University with Impact; Spin out companies; regional and local linkages; bidding support and project management.
The St Luke’s Campus Specialist campus for Education, Sport science & Medicine Historic ecclesiastical setting with library, indoor swimming pool and accommodation City centre 15 minute walk / 5 minute bus ride from campus Streatham Campus 25 minutes walk
St Lukes’ campus – education, medicine, sports science… and bananas