How much do you “really” know about the first three sections of Of Mice and Men? Answer the following questions.
In what state is the story set?
What is the setting for section 1?
What is the setting for both sections 2 and 3?
“…I had ‘im ever since he was a pup. God he was a good sheep dog when he was younger.” WHO SAID:
Candy didn’t let Carlson take his dog until this character seemed to agree that he should be put down.
To whom is Candy referring when he says: “He hates big guys. He’s alla time picking scraps with big guys.”
What character causes George to speak almost “confessionally” as he looked into his “god-like” eyes?
What is it that Curly and his wife always seem to be looking for?
George tells Lennie to stay away from _____________ and don’t even look at ______________.
What did Slim give to Lennie?
What does George remind Lennie to do if he gets in any trouble?
What does Slim have to remind Carlson to take with him when he leaves with Candy’s dog?
Near the end of chapter three, Curley thinks what two people are in the barn?
Why does Curley lash out at Lennie?
Because he is embarrassed at having been beat up, Curley agrees to say what?