Английский язык. Настоящее совершенное длительное время.


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Presentation transcript:

Английский язык. Настоящее совершенное длительное время.

The Present Perfect Progressive Tense

Образование повествовательных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений They have been playing tennis for 2 hours already. They have been playing tennis for 2 hours already. They haven’t been playing golf for 2 hours. They haven’t been playing golf for 2 hours. Have they been playing tennis for 2 hours? Have they been playing tennis for 2 hours? Have they been playing tennis for 2 or 3 hours? Have they been playing tennis for 2 or 3 hours? Who has been playing tennis for 2 hours? Who has been playing tennis for 2 hours? How long have they been playing tennis? How long have they been playing tennis? They haven’t been playing tennis for 2 hours, have they? Yes, they have. They haven’t been playing tennis for 2 hours, have they? Yes, they have.

Present Perfect Progressive Tense Эта видовременная форма употребляется для выражения действий, которые начались в прошлом и продолжаются до настоящего момента. Употребляя это время, нужно обращать внимание на то, как долго длится действие. Эта видовременная форма употребляется для выражения действий, которые начались в прошлом и продолжаются до настоящего момента. Употребляя это время, нужно обращать внимание на то, как долго длится действие.

Период времени в течение которого происходит действие, обозначается следующим образом: а) с помощью обстоятельств: а) с помощью обстоятельств: all my life – всю мою жизнь all my life – всю мою жизнь for the five last years – все эти пять лет for the five last years – все эти пять лет all week – всю эту неделю all week – всю эту неделю lately – последнее время lately – последнее время I have been looking for you all week.

Present Perfect Progressive Tense употребляется для выражения действия, которое закончилось недавно или только что, но от него еще остался след. употребляется для выражения действия, которое закончилось недавно или только что, но от него еще остался след. His clothes are wet. He has been walking in the rain.

б) с помощью предлога FOR б) с помощью предлога FOR She has been waiting for his message for 3 days. в) с помощью SINCE ( может быть наречием, в) с помощью SINCE ( может быть наречием, предлогом или союзом ) предлогом или союзом ) She has been dreaming of going to England since her childhood She has been sleeping since she got back.

Past Simple или Present Perfect Progressive Yesterday I watched TV for 2 hours. Yesterday I watched TV for 2 hours. Если период времени, в течение которого происходило действие имел место в прошлом (yesterday) и тогда же закончился, то следует употреблять Past Simple Если период времени, в течение которого происходило действие имел место в прошлом (yesterday) и тогда же закончился, то следует употреблять Past Simple She has been watching TV for 2 hours already. She has been watching TV for 2 hours already. Present Perfect Progressive употребляется, если действие началось в прошлом и длиться до сих пор. Present Perfect Progressive употребляется, если действие началось в прошлом и длиться до сих пор.

Put verbs in Present Perfect Progressive. Use: live, play, study, wait, walk, watch, work. Why are you so late. I……..here for hours. Why are you so late. I……..here for hours. I …… German for three years, but I still don’t speak it well I …… German for three years, but I still don’t speak it well The boys must be tired. They…..football in the garden all afternoon. The boys must be tired. They…..football in the garden all afternoon. It’s time to do your homework. You…..television all night. It’s time to do your homework. You…..television all night. John……for his father’s business since he left school. John……for his father’s business since he left school. We must be nearly there by now. We…..for over an hour. We must be nearly there by now. We…..for over an hour.

Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense. She (teach)…….children all his life. She (teach)…….children all his life. I am tired. I (dance)…..the whole evening. I am tired. I (dance)…..the whole evening. Maggie (learn)…..English since she started at the University. Maggie (learn)…..English since she started at the University. It (rain)…..since 10 o’clock. It (rain)…..since 10 o’clock. They (wait)…..for his call for 15 minutes already They (wait)…..for his call for 15 minutes already The streets are wet. It (rain)…….. The streets are wet. It (rain)…….. Look! Her eyes are red and watery. She (cry)…. Look! Her eyes are red and watery. She (cry)…. How long (he, look)…..for a job? How long (he, look)…..for a job?

TEST 1. Form the Present Perfect Progressive Tense from the verbs in brackets. She…. with us since then (live). She…. with us since then (live). How long…..the children…..(play)? How long…..the children…..(play)? She….at this school for twenty years (teach) She….at this school for twenty years (teach) He…. experiments for a year (make) He…. experiments for a year (make) I think she…..lies as usual (tell). I think she…..lies as usual (tell).

2. How long has been happening something? (for, since) Jane is reading. She began reading an hour ago. She……... Jane is reading. She began reading an hour ago. She……... Sam is studying German. He started studying it two years ago. He……….. Sam is studying German. He started studying it two years ago. He……….. My friend is working at his report. He began working at it in the morning. He……… My friend is working at his report. He began working at it in the morning. He……… They are building a new tube station. They started it in June. They are building a new tube station. They started it in June. George smokes much. He started smoking ten years ago. He…….. George smokes much. He started smoking ten years ago. He……..

3. Add a sentence with the Present Perfect Progressive. We are tired. (we/work/hard) We are tired. (we/work/hard) John’s clothes are dirty. (he/clean/his car) John’s clothes are dirty. (he/clean/his car) Mary is slim. (she/keep to a diet) Mary is slim. (she/keep to a diet) He is very good at tennis. (he/play it/for ten years) He is very good at tennis. (he/play it/for ten years) He knows every street in this town. (he/ live there/for many years) He knows every street in this town. (he/ live there/for many years)