1 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Central Chilled Water Facility – Phase II Alan Raphael MPO Project Manager CFAC Committee Review November 9, 2009 Sub-basement/Pipe pit CHW Expansion Basement Existing CHW Plant
2 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Technical Progress Chilled Water Plant Expansion – EW Howell moving quickly $15.3M Contract shared with BNL & NSLS-II (~55/45 split) Managed by BNL F&O, Giffels Engineers is A/E Contract awarded July 1 st 09 Contractor received NTP July 27 th, started construction 8/25 Completed mobilization, site clearing, excavation, installation of shoring, concrete for pipe pit and pipe tunnel slab Scheduled to complete December 2010 Contract completion February 2011 ~ 3 – 4 months float from NSLS-II critical path
3 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Technical Progress (cont’d) Shoring Bldg 600 (9/25/09) Pipe Pit Concrete (10/5/09)
4 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Technical Progress (cont’d) Pipe Pit Backfill (10/12/09) Under Slab Utilities (10/16/09)
5 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Technical Progress (cont’d) Preparation Basement Mat (10/22/09) Concrete Placement of Basement Mat (10/23/09)
6 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Technical Progress (cont’d) Finished Concrete of Basement Mat (10/23/09) Forms and Reinforcement East Wall (11/3/09)
7 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES CCWF-II Basement Piping CCWF Expansion Basement Piping Header Isometric Piping to NSLS-II Chillers Piping for Future BNL Chillers
8 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Work in Progress Reviewing submittals on major equipment items Large pipe header dwgs approved and in fabrication Structural steel dwgs approved and in fabrication No significant change orders to date Safety performance has been excellent Sitework & concrete progressing well Contractor proceeding on or ahead of schedule Schedule ready for approval and incorporation in baseline
9 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Look Ahead Basement walls finished by Thanksgiving Large pipe headers loaded into basement by Christmas Structural steel erected by February Building enclosed by April