All About Me By: Mackenzie
My name is Mackenzie. I am ten years old. I am in fifth grade.
I have two moms, and no dad. I have a twenty-five year old cousin, named Christopher. We hang out so much and since he is my favorite cousin, he’s like my older brother. Before I came into this awesome world, he was like my parent’s child. So yeah, you could say I have a brother. I have four grandparents, one was diagnosed with breast cancer, another one has throat cancer and the other two are fine. They are all alive and cured and breathing so that’s always a good sign. ~Family~
~Favorite Things~ My top favorite thing to do is play on the computer. I will play Shiaya, ROBLOX, League of Legends, and Terminator Salvation. My second favorite thing to do is always to play with my friends. I hangout a lot with my friends Jasmine, Juliana, Dezaree, Ryan, Maribel, Trevor Lenover, and Melanie. My third favorite thing will always to play volleyball. I’m in Diamond Elite Volleyball Academy or DEVA for short. I have a lot of best friends on my team. It’s like we are all family.. My fourth favorite thing to do, I know it sounds crazy, but it’s to clean. I love to clean because I am a neat freak and need everything clean. ( And no, I don’t have OCD.) That and I get allowance so I can save up the money and spend some of it on game cards for my video games. I love swimming, ice skating, and of course, roller skating. I love to workout and listen to music. Least of all is homework. That would be the last thing I would want to do on this Earth. On top of that, everything is one word: FUN!!!!!!! :D
~ My House~ My house is a bi-level, which means the house is above the ground, but half of the basement is sticking up out of the ground. I have three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room, a kitchen, a high patio and a low patio, a basement ( half of the basement is mine), a laundry room, and eleven closets.
~Animal~ I have a female peekanesse poodle named Sasha and she is eight years old. I have a bunny that lives underneath my shed. Last but not least, I have a male dwarf hamster named Mr. Fluff.
My favorite subject is science because I love to learn about the world around us. Also I like to learn about the planets. ~My Favorite Subject~
~My Favorite Book~ I have several favorite books. I like all of the Mary Downing Hahn Books, I like the Percy Jackson series also. Haddix I have heard is very good so I ordered those. Last, Dairy of a Wimpy Kid will always be one of my favorites.
~My Hobbies~ One of my hobbies is to save money for college, and to collect interesting rocks. I also like to collect books so I can have a miniature library when I grow up.
~My Favorite Music~ My top favorite music to listen to is Nicki Minaj. Also, I love LMFAO, Dev, Lil’ Wayne, and Wiz Kahlifa. I hate Justin Bieber except for one of his songs, Boyfriend. Also, I LOVE One Direction and The Wanted.
~ TV Shows!!!!~ My favorite show is Glee. Next to that is ABC’s Missing. I also love Good Luck Charlie, and Shake It Up. I love Operation Repo, Lizard Lick Towing, and Napoleon Dynamite. I also like The Real Housewives ( Every county.)
~The Places I Want to Go.~ My dream place is to go to Austrailia. This summer I am already going to Ireland and London which is my other dream places besides Paris.
~What Do I want to Be When I Grow Up?~ One thing that I want to be when I grow up is to be an orthodonist. But the main thing I want to be and what I am GOING to be is an Engineer that designs buildings and such.