Sedimentary Basin Classification
Miall Basin Classification Cratonic Basins Divergent Margin Basins Convergent Margin Basins Transform and Transcurrent Fault Basins Basins Associated with Continental Collision and Suturing
Basin Geohistory after Kingston et al. Basin-Forming Tectonics Depositional Sequences Basin-Modifying Tectonics
Characteristics of Basins for Kingston et al Characteristics of Basins for Kingston et al. Classification (Basin-Forming Tectonics) Underlying Crust Type Type of Past Plate Movement Basin Position on Plate
Basin Classification-Basin-Forming Tectonics (Kingston et al.) Continental Basins Formed on Continental Crust Oceanic Basins Formed on Oceanic Crust
Continental Basins (Kingston et al.) Divergent Basins Convergent Basins
Divergent Basins (Kingston et al.) Continental Interior Sag Basins Continental Interior Fracture Basins Continental Margin Sag Basins
Convergent Basins (Kingston et al.) Continental Wrench Basins Trench Associated Basins
Basin Geohistory (Kingston et al.) Basin-Forming Tectonics Depositional Sequences Basin-Modifying Tectonics
Depositional Sequences (Kingston et al.) Non-marine Wedge Base Deposits Marine Wedge Middle Deposits Non-marine Wedge Top Deposits
Basin-Modifying Tectonics (Kingston et al.) Episodic Wrench Faulting Adjacent Foldbelt Development Complete Folding of Basin Area
Characteristics of Cratonic Basins Basement Structures Associated with Cratonic Movement Plays: Traps Related to Basement Arches, Paleotopographic Features, and Stratigraphic Traps Associated with Non-marine and Shallow Marine Siliciclastics and Platform Carbonates
Characteristics of Divergent Margins Interfingering of Source and Reservoir Beds Tilting and Loading of Offshore Strata Development of Progradational Sedimentary Wedge Tectonic and Sedimentologic Sequence: Intracratonic, Taphrogenic, Evaporitic, Shallow Marine Platform, and Open Marine Shelf-Slope-Basin Plays: Deep Depths (Block Faulted Basement Extensional Features Associated with Non-marine Facies, Stratigraphic Pinchouts, and Unconformities; Intermediate Depths (Salt Features Associated with Shallow Marine Facies; and Shallow Depths (Stratigraphic Traps Associated with Deltas, Reefs, and Deeper Water Sand Facies and Growth Faults
Divergent Margin From HGS Website, Thornton et al.
Characteristics of Convergent Margins Predictability Along Strike Better Reservoir Rock Resulting from Pluton Erosion Basin Types: Back-Arc, Arc-Trench Gap, and Slope Plays: Deep Depths (Vertical Tectonics, Fractured Basement Rocks, Thrusting) and Shallow Depths (Stratigraphic Traps and Unconformities Associated with Carbonate and Siliciclastic Facies)
Characteristics of Transform and Strike-Slip Margins Extensional Bends Result in Basins Plays Are Associated with En Echelon Faults and Folds, Stratigraphic Pinchouts, and Unconformities
Characteristics of Suture Zones Development of Peripheral Basin and Foreland Basin Hydrocarbons In Elevated Thermal Conditions and Driven Updip into Strata Plays: Broad Structures of Peripheral Basin and Folds and Thrust Faults of Foreland Basin