Puerto Rico Strong Motion Program (PRSMP) José Martínez-Cruzado John Clinton Georgia Cua
Aims Record motions on-scale from strongest earthquakes Provide timely information after an event (location, magnitude, [PRSN authoritative] shaking intensity patterns, raw records) to public, emergency management authorities, scientists, engineers Record motions from wide range of locations : isolated hard rock sites, representative soil sites in towns, critical infrastructure (tall buildings, bridges, dams), boreholes Conduct research with goal of enhancing seismic understanding and damage mitigation Reduce fatalities and economic loss resulting from earthquakes in Puerto Rico region History 1970’s : initial strong motion sensors located around islands 1987 : existing analogue infrastructure handed over to UPRM Civil Engineering Current Infrastructure 20 standalone triaxial free-field/basement accelerometers (18-bit Kinemetrics ETNA) 47 triaxial free-field/basement accelerometers w/ dial-up communications to UPRM (18-bit Kinemetrics ETNA) 7 standalone multichannel accelerometers on structures (19-bit Kinemetrics K-2) 8 free-field triaxial free-field accelerometers with real-time communications (18-bit Kinemetrics ETNA) 8 free-field joint stations with PRSN (24-bit Kinemetrics EpiSensors) ANTELOPE software acquires data, detects/associates/locates events, archives data
PRSMP Station Map
Typical Stations: UPR Aguadilla - Continuous ETNA Hatillo Fire Station - Dialup ETNA Minillas Building - 15 channel standalone K2 La Plata Dam 12 channel standalone K2
Broadband sensors saturate at 1cm/s: Why Strong Motion alongside Broadband?
Broadband sensors saturate at 1cm/s: For M8.3 Tokachi-Oki : all BB within 500km saturate, some up to 1000km (and sensors located in region of backwards directivity) Similar size event in North of PR (assuming similar event parameters, wave attentuation) : saturates all BB sensors in Dominican Republic, PR, some in Haiti, Jamaica, Cuba - no magnitude from local networks! Why Strong Motion alongside Broadband?
PRSMP Initiatives - 1. Shakemap
PRSMP Initiatives - 2. Real-time structural monitoring
3. New Installations on nearby islands with PRSN PRSMP Initiatives - Dominican Republic Samana Punta Cana
3. New Installations on nearby islands with PRSN PRSMP Initiatives - British Virgin Islands